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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

I skrivende stund (12.02.22) har jeg problemer med, hvad jeg skal mene, tro og vide – dels i forhold til de hævede restriktioner, som jeg slet ikke havde set komme – i hverken Danmark, Norge eller Sverige, dels i forhold til situationen i Ukraine.  

Hvad jeg ikke et sekund er i tvivl om er, at begge punkter står på den globalistiske elites politiske dagsorden og skal ses i Great Reset-perspektivet. Præcist hvordan brikkerne hænger sammen, er endnu ikke tydeligt for mig.   

I det følgende vil jeg komme med et par bud med afsæt i folk, der er klogere end mig. 


Den 23. januar havde jeg dette læserbrev i Ekstra Bladet: 

Ren og skær fascisme

Mens samtlige statsstøttede medier med DR i spidsen har blikket stift rettet mod Ukraine, sker de skelsættende begivenheder et andet sted.

Den typiske tryllekunstner-afledningsmanøvre er i gang med formålet at flytte opmærksomheden fra den igangværende Great Reset orkestreret af World Economic Forum som hovedaktør.

Man bilder danskerne ind, at vi er næsten igennem coronakrisen – bare vi vil bruge (den sundhedsskadelige) mundble lidt endnu. Men vi er kun lige begyndt.

Små og mellemstore virksomheder falder som fluer, og Østrigs nye lov om tvangs-injektioner kalkeret direkte efter kommunist-Kina varsler fascisme i EU.

Følger Tyskland trop, falder resten af Vesteuropa. 


Mit læserbrev var bl.a. foranlediget af udtalelsen: ”You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, as it is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before”. 

På dansk i fri oversættelse: ”Lad aldrig en alvorlig krise gå til spilde, da den er en mulighed for at gøre ting, du ikke troede var mulige før”.


Her til morgen ligger dette link i min postkasse: What Is Washington Up To? af Paul Craig Roberts: 

It appears that my column this morning and an earlier one is incorrect when I say there is no Ukrainian crisis.  What I meant is that there is no real crisis.  But there is a Washington-orchestrated crisis that will be made real by a Washington false flag event and endless propaganda from the Western media.

Washington continues to hype the claim that Russia is going to invade Ukraine.  Yesterday Biden warned American citizens to leave Ukraine now, because he will not send US soldiers to rescue them and escort them out of Ukraine once the hostilities begin. He said that sending US troops to Ukraine could lead to a world war.

(…)”  (mine fremhævelser, LN)   


Lyt også til dette interview Just nu går allt Rysslands väg i Ukrainakonflikten – Swebbtv Vetenskap 52 – der jo altså er lavet for en uge siden. 

Så vidt Ukraine i denne omgang, der ifølge min – og andres – analyse fungerer som afledningsmanøvre for The Great Reset & New World Order.  Samt det kommende sammenbrud i økonomien, hvor den globalistiske elite vil byde sig til som frelsende engle fra kaos under flaget: Du vil intet eje og være lykkelig over det.  

Her kommer så en række bud på, hvad der er i gang økonomisk:  

Tidligere manager i Blackrock: – Den globale gjeldsbobla har nådd toppen, vi er ved enden 


HOW MUCH money was printed?! Here’s where our INSANE inflation comes from    

Inflation is going insane. But it’s not ‘corporate greed’ that’s causing it, as Democrats have been telling you. The Biden administration wants to continue to spend trillions of dollars to ‘reinvent capitalism,’ and that’s in addition to the trillions that are being pumped out by the Federal Reserve. 

But this goes way beyond Biden. Glenn heads to the chalkboard (and the very top of his studio ceiling) to explain what’s really happening to inflation and why it’s so hard for your family to afford basic goods and groceries. He exposes what the Fed has been doing behind closed doors to feed the tidal wave that’s about to hit…


Hidden data from The Fed should be today’s BIGGEST story in the WORLD   


The Fed wants to TRANSFORM our financial system. Here’s how  


WWIII Over Ukraine? Deep State Would LOVE it

Despite their claims to be concerned about Ukraine’s sovereignty and borders, Deep State globalists have an ulterior motive behind the banging of the war drums and the escalation into a potential global cataclysm, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. 

On the Russian side, strongman Putin is deeply involved in building a New World Order of regional orders, too, with his focus being building the Eurasian Economic Union while Deep State operatives in the West build up the European Union and other, similar regional regimes. 

So where does war fit in? Well, Alex focuses on two parts of the puzzle here: the use of war or the threat of war to promote globalism, as outlined by Council on Foreign Relations member Lincoln Bloomfield explained in his paper on creating a world effectively controlled by the United Nations. 

Another key puzzle piece: The revelations of KGB defector Anatoly Golitsyn about the Sino-Soviet disinformation plans including the phony collapse of communism culminating in a Second October Revolution. With all the pieces in place, suddenly the big picture becomes clear.


Militærøvelse eller provokasjon 


This book from 1942 is EERILY similar to the GREAT RESET today  

Glenn reads excerpts from ‘The Road We Are Traveling,’ a 1942 book by Stuart Chase (the title was also used as part of President Obama’s second presidential campaign).

The Marxists of the mid-20th century knew that socialism & fascism had developed a bad reputation the decade before, so they came up with a new strategy: “Free Enterprise Into System X.” 

Glenn explains what this means, and then he shows how their former strategies seem EERILY similar to those used by The Great Reset proponents today… 


WAR with Russia & China? Glenn gives SIX 2022 predictions        


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