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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

NewSpeek lægger indlæg op tre gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.

BLANDEDE BOLSJER udvides, således at links, der tidligere ville have fået et selvstændigt opslag, vil være at finde her.

NewSpeek forsøger at samle ’perlerne’ – herunder også særligt udvalgte indlæg fra de desværre alt for få blogs på dansk. Jeg følger først og fremmest Snaphanen, Flemming Blicher, Peer Brændgaard, Velstandspartiets Lene Bang og ChaosNavigator).   

Vi forsøger at sætte op tematisk og har markeret særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)

Her er, hvad vi har samlet i denne omgang. Læs, lyt og døm selv!



**** James Corbett – False Flags


**** Tale af ærkebiskop Carlo Vigano


“What Really Happened in Maui?”


Om Yemen  – Tucker Carlson


The Men Who Killed Kennedy – Full Series (All Nine Episodes)


**** Mike Yadon med nok en advarsel:

I’ve easily been able to find trails of evidence of premeditation of the current crime which go back 25 years (tabletop pandemic simulations, despite being events that do not happen, as well characterised by journalistic Paul Schreyer). When you examine the history of “climate change”, you can easily find at least half a century of planning.  Now we see that, in parallel, preparations to seize all private property has also been going on since the 1960s. Plenty of people give a hollow laugh at this point (seizure of assets) saying “Good luck with seizing my debts!”

While it’s true that you cannot lose that which you don’t have, what little people do have will be seized & controlled by the perpetrators.

I cannot stress enough my expectations are that those with very little will actually be impacted most strongly and immediately by any planned financial system collapse. The perpetrators will “come to their rescue” with the issuance of centrally controlled digital money in exchange for signing up for a government issued digital ID.

I remain convinced that the most likely & entirely plausible method for highly controlled depopulation is the requirement to hold at all times and obligation to display the mandatory digital ID, along with the need to be up-to-date with WHO-recommended “vaccines” (which of course will be of mRNA type), where failure to comply will lead to the digital ID losing validity.

No valid digital ID, no ability to transact.

If you are determined not to immediately be drawn into what I call the killing machine then, to the extent that you can, it’s very important NOW to be preparing not to totally vulnerable on Day 1. Beyond whatsoever preparations you can do, you’ll need to grow at least some of your own food or know others who create surpluses, from whom you stand a chance of obtaining food in exchange for labour, skills, gold or silver (even small amounts are better than none at all).

I hasten to mention that I’m entirely the wrong person to be hanging down advice on “prepping”. There are numerous channels run by people who’ve strongly suspected / expected something along these lines for many years. The kind of people I too would hitherto regarded as “conspiracy theorists” (sigh).


Denis Rancourt hos Alex Jones

Musk åbnede Twitter / X for Alex Jones, og læs / lyt også her


The Awakening Is Coming And They’re In Panic – David Icke (gå til 1:10) 


Summary WE pLandemic with monetary purposes
(svensk med engelske undertekster)


Interview with Peter and Ginger Breggin


The Future of Money

Speaking at the WEF, former head of the IMF’s China division, Eswar Prasad: CBDC will be programmable, in a way that will enable governments to dictate how, when, where, on what and by whom they can be spent, including the imposition of expiry dates. 
CBDCs are a totalitarian’s wet dream, and would enable governments to centrally enforce tyrannical policies on an industrial scale—at the flick of a switch—without the need for human enforcement agents.
Not “up to date” with your injections? Exceeded your weekly carbon allowance? Ventured outside of your designated ’15 minute’ district? Oops, no money for you!




The WHO deadline is less than three weeks away ( (7. Jan)

NOW is the time to speak out about the upcoming World Health Organization deadline. Please help spread the word by sharing any and all of these videos on social media.


An Overview of the WHO Negotiations – James Roguski (  
After nearly two years of reporting on the WHO, many people have requested that I provide an overview of what is going on with the WHO negotiations. Please share this information far and wide.


RFK JR USA – The Proxy War in Ukraine is Corrupt illegal Money laundering for Blackrock




Undertema: Davos / Bilderberg-gruppen

What is the ‘Bilderberg Group’? 

BlackRock FAILS to control Rebel News in Davos   

The new Prime Minister of France, Gabriel Attal is a WEF Global Young Leader and a Bilderberger   

John Kerry confronted on climate hypocrisy at WEF


CNN Director ADMITS Network Engaged in ‘Propaganda’ to Remove Trump from Presidency


Keynote: The Global War on Farming: Control the Food, Control the People


DISEASE X: Weapon of FEAR for Geopolitical Control of Humanity

“Dr Makis is in touch with him via Adrija Klaric.  Here’s what Dr Makis makes “Disease X”.

And even more powerfully describing the global predators’ Machiavellian scheme, Dr. William Makis, Canadian research and clinical oncologist, said, “I think all the discussion about “Disease X” right now is a distraction to leave most people completely unprepared for a black swan event, that could then immediately initiate a catastrophic financial system collapse (stock markets, banking) in an “exponential manner”.
Then, in the midst of a financial catastrophe and chaos, “Disease X” hits, just in time for the WHO Pandemic Treaty to take effect, accompanied by lockdowns and shutdown of all travel.
It would be more pain than most people could handle. And the population would then be begging for the new “Disease X” mRNA vaccine which could easily be made mandatory to continue getting govt’s financial support payments, perhaps in the form of Universal Basic Income, and with a promise that if enough people take the mandatory vaccine, they will release us from lockdowns again.”



Skepsis mod vaccination … (
brev sendt af Lene Bang – med relation til WHO’s planlagte magt over os alle.


Overlagt massemord   


**** Dr. Michael Nehls with Dr. Naomi Wolf – mRNA Injections Erase Autobiographical Memory in Hippocampus 

Dr Michael Nehls – The Psychological Degeneration of the Population  


Excess deaths debate 16 January


COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Harm Five Years after Injection


Are We Being Conditioned for Another Lab Leak?


The alleged “covid19 vaccines”, I have repeatedly argued are designed intentionally to cause harm. I won’t elaborate again here the details.

Suffice to say that, if you’re involved in “rational drug design”, you cannot fail to know that several, obvious mechanisms of toxicity are built into the design choices. I’m not the only person pointing this out but I think I am the only person claiming that these designed in toxicity conferring features are intentional.

No one wants this to be true, least of all me. But it is true. Unfortunately, this very neatly fits the first unpopular topic with which this post began. No pandemic, no lab-made pathogen, no need for intentionally toxic injections. No need for fear, but instead anger would be wholly appropriate.

Mike Yeadon


Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks & More

(læg mærke til datoen)



Underjordisk Kaos i Chabad’s Globale Hovedkvarter – VIDEO


Video: The World Should be Ashamed. South Africa’s Closing Argument at the World Court Against Israel for Genocide


**** David Irving THE NUREMBERG TRIALS 1996


George Galloway: South Africa has DESTROYED Israel at the ICJ and Changed Geopolitics Forever (     


MATRIX EXPOSED: Forstå Israels succes indenfor IT og militær ved at forstå “The Talpiot Program”



Den amerikanske statsborgeren Gonzalo Lira dør av omsorgssvikt i ukrainsk fengsel

It’s All Lies




Her er linket til bogen.


CellSonic  (også jeg kan anbefale behandlingen)


**** Klaus Schwab får stryk på sin egen WEF Davos årskonferens, titta och njut!

MitId har fanden skabt – som kontrolredskab – og derfor er der grund til at udbrede kendskabet til et initiativ, der er gået til kamp mod det digitale tyranni. 
Således er jeg blevet gjort opmærksom på et fælles søgsmål mod banker for at indføre tvungen MitId. Her kommer linket MitID (, som jeg opfordrer til at dele med så mange som muligt.

Og hvis din fredag aften ikke allerede er optaget, er der et interessant møde for sjællænderne om MitID – i Byens hus, Hellerupvej 24.


Tidsvilde og Blicher tager på foredragstur rundt i landet

Søndag 21/1: Hellerup, Byens Hus, Hellerupvej 24, 2900 Hellerup, mødelokale: Store Claus (Gratis parkering om søndagen i hele området), ingen tilmelding.
Kl. 14: Flemming Blicher
Kl. 17: Martin Tidsvilde

Inviter dine venner til at følge med i Illusionen om Danmark


Orgonite Oasis bliver en månedlig event fra i 2024 i Valby.

23. marts
20. april
24. maj
21. juni
20. juli
17. august
14. september
18. oktober
16. november
14. december    

Jf. Socialt isolerede mennesker er magtelitens yndlingsideal




The Greater Reset 5 – #SolutionsWatch




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