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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Hermed en intro til et link, der i maggiterning-form fortæller, hvad World Economic Forum har gang i: 

This is a link to the World Economic Forum map of official approved policy positions.  This is basically the script that all of the WEF trainees that have been inserted into virtually all of the western democracies are supposed to be following in all of their policy decisions and messaging.

Just to be clear, these people are not serving the constitutions of their countries, they are servants of the Globalist one world order WEF overlords. They should revoke their citizenship and forfeit the right to serve in our governments. They should be treated as the foreign agents that they are, and should not be allowed to hold office.


Jeg kender ikke afsenderen af teksten ovenfor, men kan ord til andet skrive under på indholdet. Mens jeg forsøger at vænne mig til udtryk som ’servants / tjenere / slaver’ og ’overlords / feudalherrer’.  

Kan det stadig undre nogen, at Klaus Schwab, WEF’s grundlægger, i folkemunde går under betegnelsen Satan Klaus? 

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