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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Med hjælp fra en følger har NewSpeek samlet fire videoer, der kaster mere lys over det globale kommunistiske projekt.  

EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTARY – The Final War: The 100-Year Plot to Defeat America       15. Nov 2022   Dokumentar 2½ time

An unprecedented combination of personal story and geopolitical struggle, history, and present, “The Final War” follows Epoch Times reporters and top China watchers through their journeys of awakening to the CCP threat.

To say the least, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is a mystery to most Americans.

For the first time, The Epoch Times investigative team traces back to the beginning of the Chinese Communist Party to reveal its 100-year plot to defeat America.

Trawling through exclusive interviews with leading China experts and whistleblowers, an ocean of internal Party records, and Party leaders’ own behaviors, the film reveals the hidden truths of U.S.-China relations over the past seven decades.

Videoen The Final War er d. 20. december 2022 lagt på nettet i 7 små afsnit her: 

Følgeren skriver bl.a.: ”Jeg kan kun anbefale denne lange dokumentar. 

Den afrunder fint de tre andre videoer. Her bliver CCP og deres plan fra 1949 om at bekæmpe Amerika sammenlignet med en kults hensigter. Planen ligger og har ligget fast. 

Metoderne for at komme så langt er udspekulerede psykologiske metoder, propaganda, bestikkelse og infiltration alle steder i det amerikanske samfund. 

Jeg tænker på filmen ”Who Owns the World” hvor svaret er de superrige multinationale firmaer, medier m.m. – alt det vi ved – men her bliver oplyst, at det er pga. Kinas infiltration, at det har kunnet komme så vidt. 

Der bliver sagt at 90 % af medierne domineres og kontrolleres af Kina. Også Hollywood. De 90 % har vi hørt om, men at det var Kina og kinesere, der lå bag ……..?

Som børn sagde vi gerne, at bare man graver et stort og dybt nok hul i jorden, så ville vi komme ned til Kina – måske ligger kaninhullet i samme dybde?”


JR Nyquist and Dr. Yan Li-Meng discuss China’s INVASION plans with Mike Adams


Discussion With Trevor Loudon Plus Tibits from Brazil and Colombia – J.R. Nyquist Blog 


Putin’s Soviet-style Power Politics
Af Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.12. dec 2022 

“His invasion in 2008 of Georgia, the former Soviet Republic, was evidence of his true intentions. The invasion of Ukraine in 2014 (under Obama) and then in 2022 (under Biden) confirmed the direction he is taking. For Putin, there is no turning back.


“But let’s keep our eyes on the ball. With Biden’s release of this arms dealer, it should be clear, even to the pro-Putin commentators on Fox News, that Putin is a holdover from the Soviet days who is deadly serious about taking back the former Soviet republics.”

Forvirret omkring Putin? Og om hvor meget Putin egentligt bestemmer? 

Velkommen i klubben! 

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