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Af Lone Nørgaard.


Nu følger vi op med nok en række links, der yderligere afslører, at FN’s 17 verdensmål fedtet ind i WHO og overdreven klimalarmisme er en fuldfed propaganda-løgn fremstillet i den hensigt at fremme en bestemt dagsorden: One World Government og et digitalt fængsel, hvor almindelige mennesker reduceres til slaver: ”Du skal intet eje og være lykkelig over det.” Jf. Klaus Schwab og Ida Aukens våde drømme.

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”

(citat fra ‘The First Global Revolution’ forfattet af fremtrædende medlemmer af The Club of Rome.Mere herom i slutningen af denne artikel).



(579) The BEST Climate Clip I’ve EVER seen – What do you think?? #SCIENCE – YouTube  

“Wow – everything summed up in 4 minutes flat – pure hardcore science – truth in science feels so good! I am highly environmentally focused – pollution worldwide and the spoiling of our environment is a disgrace. Be clear on that.

However, on the separate ‘temperature and trace gas modeling’ front, listen carefully to this clip. Only 4mins long, and corroborated by myriad adjacency data. Watch and judge yourself. Absorb the graph shown, and think on it.”



The destruction caused by “renewable energy”; the not-so-green reality behind the green agenda – The Expose (expose-news.com)

”Meget af virkningen af det vedvarende korstog burde være indlysende. Solpaneler, vindmøller eller elbiler kan ikke bygges uden at udvinde mere kobber, litium, jern og aluminium.

“Det betyder langt mere destruktiv skrabning og gravning af havbund, regnskove og tundraer i en skala, der er utænkelig for de fleste miljøforkæmpere.”



Professor: ”Vi har ingen klimatkris, vi har en kris i sunt förnuft och ärlighet” – SwebbTV

”Ingen har någonsin visat att mänskliga utsläpp av koldioxid driver global uppvärmning, säger Ian Plimer under intervjun. Jag har frågat vetenskapsmän, journalister och politiker: Snälla, bara ge mig ett halvdussin vetenskapliga studier som bevisar att mänskliga utsläpp driver global uppvärmning. Ingen har någonsin gjort det.”

”Vi befinner oss faktiskt i en tid som är ganska kall jämfört med tidigare uppvärmningar. Vi har ingen klimatkris. Vad vi har är en kris i sunt förnuft och en kris i ärlighet.”

”Att klimatalaramisterna ändå lyckats skrämma upp människor, beror på att västvärlden och dess utbildningssystem fördummats under ett halvt sekel, enligt Plimer.¨

Människor lär sig inte att tänka längre. De indoktrineras av aktivister.”


1540 Experts Agree There Is No Climate Emergency


“Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. In particular, scientists should emphasize that their modeling output is not the result of magic: computer models are human-made.

What comes out is fully dependent on what theoreticians and programmers have put in: hypotheses, assumptions, relationships, parameterizations, stability constraints, etc. Unfortunately, in mainstream climate science most of this input is undeclared.”


The First Global Revolution A Report By The Council Of The Club Of Rome Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider Random House, Inc. Pantheon Books ( 1991) (archive.org)   (292 sider !)

In their 1991 book, ‘The First Global Revolution” Key members of the Club of Rome wrote:

“The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. States have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal contradictions by designating external enemies.
The scapegoat practice is as old as mankind itself. When things become too difficult at home, divert attention by adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.”

“The sudden absence of traditional adversaries has left governments and public opinion with a great void. New enemies, therefore, have to be identified.”

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”

“Just one year later, Agenda 21 was launched, at the UN Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro on 13th June, 1992.”


”Et af de mest bemærkelsesværdige resultater af Rio-topmødet var Agenda 21.”

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