Af Lone Nørgaard.
EU alias Europas Undergang er en organisation med korrupte ledere, hvor toppen selvfølgelig har forbindelser til big pharma. Ud over alle de andre ulykker, EU-eliten laver, som fx at fremme indvandring fra muslimske lande og kalde islam for fredens religion.
Nu skal EU være med til at facilitere en storslået plan i form af en WHO-konvention – eller rettere sagt en WHO-’forfatning’ om naturkatastrofer og pandemier, der skal overtrumfe de enkelte landes forfatninger. Endnu et af mange angreb på den nationale suverænitet.
Her er linket til den globalistiske elites våde drømme – som jeg har fået tilsendt med følgende kommentar:
The WHO wants countries to sign a new Covid-19 treaty in only about 2 months. This treaty would have the “WHO Constitution” take precedence over a country’s constitution during natural disasters or pandemics.
This would allow them to make their “guidelines” mandatory to the public of all countries who sign.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the second highest donor to the WHO, after the US government. We know how this would end.
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger worked for the WHO for 20 years. She says that every country should send a public letter of protest to the WHO, saying that their people DO NOT accept a signature of their Minister of Health.
WHO wants all countries to sign this letter before May 2022.
Spread this like fire!