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Af Lone Nørgaard.  

NewSpeek har tidligere anbefalet at lytte til og læse Whitney Webb , og her kommer nok et interview med hende, i denne omgang i samtale med Dr. Joseph Mercola. 

Big Data, Transhumanism and Why the Singularity May Be Faked- Interview with Whitney Webb (bitchute.com)   




Vi har endnu ikke set det værste
Transhumanisme er på vej, og vi har endnu ikke set det værste. Monopolisering af fødevareproduktion, GMO (genetisk modificerede organismer), ’vacciner’ i vores fødevarer, WHO’s pandemi-traktat, digital slavegørelse, overvågning mv.  

Dr. Naomi Wolf: ”They’re determined to herd us into ‘smart cities’ … and into a healthcare-based rationale for a social credit system like China where literally they can turn off your … credit card.”  

En følger på NewSpeek skriver: 

”Der skal bare køres hårdt på i forhold til WEF. De er jo åbenlyst i fuld gang med at indføre censur og depopulation. 

Det med at spise insekter – som åbenbart er giftige [jf. afsnittet om insekter nedenfor]- er blot endnu en metode til at skabe sygdom og død, ligesom med vax. 

Desværre vil det store flertal ikke se, at det drejer sig om depopulation. Måske man kan overbevise dem om den del, der drejer sig om overvågning og kontrol med digitale penge, carbon taxation etc – men ikke om den agenda, der ligger bag depopulations-projektet.” 

Vi skal spise insekter 

Vi skal spise insekter. EU har givet tilladelse til at tilføje insekter til brød, pasta og andre halv-fabrikata. 

Vores sundhed skal nedbrydes, så borgerne bliver endnu mere føjelige.  Samme funktion opfylder såvel traditionelle vacciner som mRNA-injektionerne. 

Så læg mærke til navnet:  Acheta domesticus

2023 – People will now eat insects without knowing it.

As of the new year 2023, the EU has given permission to add insects (house crickets) to baked goods, pasta and other semi-finished products “for the general public”.

Although there is too little published knowledge about allergies and possible anaphylactic reactions, the EU Commission is of the opinion that no specific labeling requirements about possible allergic reactions need to be listed.

However, those who have allergies to crustaceans, molluscs and house dust mites are highly likely to also suffer allergic reactions when consuming products with house crickets added.
It can also lead to new allergic reactions to the substrate that is fed to the insects.

Therefore, there is only a labeling requirement if the product contains powder “Acheta domesticus”.

This means that people have to find out for themselves that “Acheta domesticus” is ground into powder and added to house crickets and have to check for themselves whether they could be allergic to it.

Admission begins on January 24, 2023.

Responsible for the approval:

The following products “for the general public” will soon be on sale with added crickets (Acheta domesticus):

– Multigrain bread
– Multigrain rolls
– Crackers and breadsticks
– Cereal bars
– Dry premixes for baked goods
– Cookies
– dry filled and unfilled pasta products
– sauces
– processed potato products
– Dishes based on legumes and vegetables
– Pizza
– General pasta and whey powder products
– Meat analogues (vegetarian meat alternatives)
– Soups and soup concentrates, soup powder
– Cornmeal based snacks
– Beer-like beverages
– Chocolate products, nuts and oilseeds
– Snacks (except chips) and meat preparations

May everyone please read the EU log for themselves, here is the source – Official Journal of the European Union, 01/04/2023


This company from Vietnam breeds the house crickets:


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