Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer.
Posen er i denne ombæring blevet kæmpestor, for den gode nyhed er, at utroligt mange mennesker uden for ’corporate media’ / de statsstøttede medier / presstitutes forsøger at komme til bunds i tingene og gennemhulle den uhellige alliance af propaganda og løgne. Bedraget er så dybt og så massivt, at vi alle burde have vores skolepenge tilbage.
De fleste har ikke den tid til rådighed, jeg har som pensionist, til at bruge mange timer hver dag på at orientere sig. Men oplever du at rave rundt i blinde, i takt med at nogle af Potemkin-kulisserne falder – fx råddenskaben hos en Mette Mink Frederiksen og de statslige sundhedsmyndigheder – så sæt én dag af i dit liv og gennemlæs / gennemse diverse links i Kaninhullet kalder – hvis du tør.
Vi når aldrig frem til den endegyldige sandhed, men informationerne giver en ramme til at forstå en række fænomener, der i hvert fald for mig indtil for nyligt var ubegribelige. Fx hvorfor EU ikke har beskyttet de ydre grænser mod masseindvandring, hvorfor det stadig ikke er almindelig viden, at John F. Kennedy ikke blev snigmyrdet af én mand, og at 9 / 11 ikke kunne udføres af kun 11 muslimer, hvorfor krigen i Ukraine fik lov til at eskalere, hvorfor så mange danskere har vist sig at være mere lydige og underdanige i corona-cirkusset end borgerne i Østeropa, hvorfor danskerne bliver stadig mere uvidende, mens vi bliver bildt ind, at vi er så veluddannede og kritiske osv. osv.
For mig begynder brikkerne i puslespillet stille og u-roligt at falde på plads. Jeg er helt på linje med James Corbetts to år gamle A Letter to the Future, nu indtalt på video. I det tilfælde, at du har svært ved engelsk, så søg på navnet Karsten Pultz i NewSpeeks søgefelt. Han har stort set sagt, hvad der skal siges, for at stå på klippegrund i forhold til propagandaen.
Men som vi også altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv. Vær ÆGTE kritisk. Sæt spørgsmålstegn ved alt – også det, jeg netop har skrevet!
Da Tysklands læger blev nazister
My Most Important Interview Yet – HOW Covid Happened
Restrictions in Sweden and Denmark: What Do TheNumbers Show?
Old Way, New Way
‘Sudden and Unexpected’: At least 11 Vacationers Drop Dead on Italian Beaches in 24 hours
Nu kommer de efter vores mad: fødevaremangel på vej
Corona Investigative Committee Session 112: The Disgrace
The Farmers’ Protests in the Netherlands and the Use of Police Force. Corona Investigative Committee with Jeroen Pols, co-founder of Viruswaarheid and lawyer and Willem Engel, co-founder of Viruswaarheid.
With Second Gas Explosion in Three Days, Are We Under Attack?
“ A gas pipeline explosion in Texas on July 7 was followed by a gas plant explosion in Oklahoma on July 9. Two incidents do not necessarily make a trend, but it’s conspicuous that they are happening now as natural gas prices are already set to rise dramatically ahead of winter. Is this an attack by the powers-that-be, whether it’s the globalists with the “Liberal World Order” or the climate change maniacs acting as eco-terrorists?”
How CHAOS in Sri Lanka may FORESHADOW our economic future
How Masks Make You Sick Instead of Protecting You
Attempted Murder Of Kandiss Taylor: SWAT Team Converged On Taylor Home, Occupied By Children
Casket Salesman Blows Whistle: Child Caskets Being Ordered In Bulk, Never Seen In Business Before
Macron ordered to RESIGN as French President faces urgent probe after ‘betraying France’
(har ikke en kilde til denne tekst)
COVID is (mostly) over in the same sense that WWII was over by 1946. The war had ended, but the world that emerged in the aftermath had profoundly changed.
The post-COVID world is ruled by a far more aggressive form of globalist governance. COVID shifted the Overton Window to such a degree that almost anything in the name of “sustainable development” is now possible including deliberately distrupting global food supplies.
Afterall, if it’s been established that locking people in their homes for a year is worth it to stop a virus with less than a 1% fatality rate, what can’t be done to stop the supposed world-ending threat of climate change?
The Dutch government’s attack on their country’s farming sector is one of many examples of this to emerge recently. I fear it’s a sign of worse things to come.
Akuttkapasiteten ved flere sykehus sprengt. Ingen fatter hvorfor
Climate Mandates Imposed on Dutch Farmers Will Ruin Their Livelihood
‘Why the Rush for Toddler Vaccines?’ Asks Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Member
Thierry Baudet opening speech at the Ukraine Symposium
Kære Kongelige Højheder Brev (med mange vigtige links) skrevet af Lene Bang med kopi til pressen.
Are You Thinking Fifty Years Ahead?
FN: Ukraina använde mänskliga sköldar på vårdhem
German poster telling people to only wash those areas to annoy Putin.
Verdenshistoriens største røveri sker NU!
Could Politicians in the West Persecute their own People?
Real Vaccine Efficacy Rates Are Much Lower Than Previously Estimated
(Klippet fra et nyhedsbrev fra Lene Bang)
Thomas Soltau kan, om nogen, forklare på dansk, hvad der sker. Han er censureret, men hvis du scroller ned, du kan se hans film på:
What Is The “Council For Inclusive Capitalism?” It’s The New World Order
The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising
Japan: Shinzo Abe’s Assassination – A Hidden Agenda? Enforce a One World Order
En positive nyhed fra MSM?
Health experts are quitting the NIH and CDC in droves because they’re embarrassed by ‘bad science’ – including vaccinating children under 5 to ‘make their advice palatable to the White House,’ doctors claim
Saudi Arabia Buys Oil From Russia at a Discount Then Sells it to the EU
The Culpability of the New York Times: Then and Now
Europol i april: Våpen til Ukraina havner hos kriminelle i EU
Will 100 Million Die From the COVID Vax by 2028?
The Day Israel Attacked America: The USS Liberty
Documentary about the sinking of the USS Liberty by the Israeli military and the immense Jewish influence over our government involved in covering it up. It’s amazing how much power and influence Jews have had over our government as far back as 1967, enough to black mail a sitting president into complying with the effort to cover up what happened to the USS Liberty.