Af Lone Nørgaard.
NewSpeek har tidligere omtalt fænomenet Young Global Leaders, men gentagelse fremmer som bekendt forståelsen, så her kommer nok et link:
’En skjult alliance af tidligere WEF Unge Globale Ledere, der arbejder i Lockstep for at gennemtvinge Den Store Nulstilling, omfatter Macron, Trudeau, Ardern & Boris Johnson’
Læg mærke til, at også Orbán er på listen, men man kan jo håbe på, at han er kommet på bedre tanker? Eller frygte, at han er ’controlled opposition’, så hans støtter sætter deres lid til nok en ulv i fåreklæder?
Artiklen om den skjulte alliance kan læses her på siden nedenfor eller via ovenstående link.
Bundlinjen er, at der ikke er noget kavaleri, der kommer og redder os fra Kina-modellen – der er kun os selv at falde tilbage på. Heller ikke England kan stå bi (jf. Boris Johnsons rolle), selv om det stik imod alle forventninger og et enormt pres lykkedes landet at komme ud af EU alias Europas Undergang.
Operation Lockstep
Har du hørt om Operation Lockstep? Måske ikke, men læg mærke til navnet. Artiklen, der linkes til, slutter sådan her:
”Det kræver ualmindelig god vilje, at vedblive i troen på at det her er en konspirationsteori. Teorien praktiseres efter kogebogen, og det er, synligt for alle der tør se verden for det, den er, tale om konspirations udøvelse.”
Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young Global Leaders working in Lockstep to enforce the Great Reset include Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, & Boris Johnson
An excellent article expanding on WEF’s globalist alumni and quoting The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Report which laid out today’s PSYOP-19 False Flag event and globalist power grab.
Here are some of the WEF’s more notable “Young Global Leaders”:
- Vladimir Putin
- Tony Blair
- Angela Merkel
- Nicolas Sarkozy
- Jacinda Ardern
- Emmanuel Macron
- Sebastian Kurz
- Leonardo LOL DiCaprio
- Viktor Orbán
- Jean-Claude Juncker
- Annalena Baerbock
- Justin Trudeau
- And many, many more Useful Idiots in governments, media, science, military, police, etc.
This is precisely why the global “response” to the non-pandemic has been identical across the planet for those nations infiltrated by the “Young Global Leaders” alumni.
Yes, there was and continues to be a global conspiracy.
Yes, there is a Cult.
Yes, Klaus Schwab is a high ranking Cult puppet, as was his NAZI 1.0 father.
Yes, Klaus Schwab is NAZI 2.0.
Yes, the NAZI’s regrouped post WW2 (for more on this see Original Social Engineering Sin) into today’s NAZI 2.0 and are responsible for PSYOP-19.
Yes, Klaus Schwab was recruited as the “founder” of WEF, same as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, et al. (The CIA’s “not for profit” VC fund In-Q-Tel is an important Cult funding node for all of Big Tech, from Facebook to Amazon to Space-X. And who needs to be “for profit” when you can steal money via taxes?)
Yes, the Death Injections are the biowarfare bioweapons that will slowly kill over time exactly as per the Cult’s Depopulation and Total Control agenda as explicitly admitted in their very own white papers and reports.
And yes, it’s going to all get a lot worse before it gets better; the WEF and the Cult are now getting badly exposed on a regular basis, and people are slowly waking up such that they are now like cornered animals lashing out in desperation as they dial back PSYOP-19 mandates, while turning up PSYOP-SUPPLY-CHAIN-22. At some point they will break out the PSYOP-POWER-GRID-22 and/or PSYOP-CYBER-ATTACK-22 in an attempt to stop the growing resistance.
Comply and YOU Die.