Af Lone Nørgaard.
I denne artikel reflekterer lægen Sebastian Rushworth over covid-galskaben. Han indleder således:
At the beginning of this year I wrote about how the governments of the world had created a collective state of hysteria so intense that the only way they could dig themselves out of the hole they had made was with a magic bullet. That magic bullet was, of course, the vaccines. I wrote that it didn’t really matter how effective the vaccines were in the real world, or whether they prevented transmission. All that mattered was getting every single person on the planet to take the vaccine, after which the politicians would be able to declare victory. (min fremhævelse)
It’s now eight months later, and we can conclude that the prediction has come to pass.
Sebastian Rushworth ligger således helt på linje med Dr. Peter McCullough, der her når frem til samme konklusion.