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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Mange mennesker hjælper NewSpeek – og tak for det. 

Her kommer en række links, kommentarer og illustrationer fra en følger, der bruger mange timer hver dag på at orientere sig uden for corporate medias propaganda – og som har udvalgt en række godbidder. Eller skulle jeg hellere kalde dem ’røde piller’?  



Dr. Rima Laibow 

Uncensored: Dr. Rima Laibow BOMBSHELL – Liquifying Human Corpses at Reeducation Camps   

“Dr. Rima Laibow joins Maria Zeee for the second time, dropping truth bomb after truth bomb about what future awaits dissidents if we don’t stand up, including re-education camps, the liquifying of human corpses, and the WHO’s special diagnosis for the “undervaccinated”.

Astrid Stukckelberger 

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger – PART 1: WHO Pandemic Treaty – Important Update!  

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger – PART 2: Zombies, CERN Opening Demonic Portals, & How to Remove Nanotech from the Body!   




Glenn Beck Presents: “Ukraine, The Democrats’ Russia” 

Det er en to timer lang video og en lidt ældre sag, der også findes i forkortet form, men her bliver man snydt for indledning og afslutning. Hvor længe den får lov at blive liggende på YouTube, ved kun Herren. 

Obama – krigspræsidenten der fik en fredspris

How Obama began America’s DARK transformation | PART 1  


In May of 2008, Michelle Obama made a now infamous statement while campaigning in Puerto Rico for her husband, Barack. Her words, Glenn says, caused Michelle to be pulled from the campaign trail. 


Perhaps because her statement exposed the Obama’s exact goal: To force the American people to make ‘sacrifices’ that would fundamentally alter our nation — its history, traditions, and principles — forever. In part 1 of his expose, Glenn revisits Michelle’s speech and demonstrates how her words have come true today. And the ‘sacrifices’ we’re facing now, thanks to our ever-growing, far-left government, could continue to get worse… 

Connecting Obama’s DREAM to today’s CHANGED America | PART 2     

In part 2 of Glenn’s expose, he continues to revisit Michelle Obama’s 2008 campaign speech that EXPOSED her and Barack’s ultimate goal: to force ‘sacrifices’ onto the American people that would fundamentally change the United States. In this clip, Glenn ties it all together, showing how the Obama’s original DREAM to change America is coming true TODAY…



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