Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
“This Is Our Hill To Die On”: Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Final Message To The World
Dr Vladimir Zelenko risks his life by saying this [ældre sag – Zelenko er død]
Stop World Control: “Was the plane crash of Dr. Madej an assassination attempt?”
No kidding
“The COVID-19 Injections – A Gateway to Transhumanism?”
Drastisk fald i fødsler efter vaccinerne
Patrick Moore Revised
Outposts of the U.S. Surveillance Empire: Denmark and Beyond [en ældre sag]
The Road to Armageddon Is Being Set in Stone
Life Insurance CEO Reveals Deaths Are Up 40% Among Working People: “Just unheard of”
‘Original Antigenic Sin’ Is a Real Problem with COVID-19 Vaccines
– “Studies have now confirmed that “original antigenic sin”, or a detrimental fixation on a suboptimal immune response, is a real problem for people who’ve gotten COVID-19 vaccines.”
– “In addition to a blunted antibody response against the nucleocapsid protein, people whose immune systems are primed by vaccination appear to have impaired cellular immunity relative to those with natural immunity.”
WHO Dictatorship Averted. Globalists Continue to Attack
The Great Reset in Action: Ending Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Expression
Katie Hopkins
The G-7 Squawks But They’ve Already Lost the War Against Russia
Rockefeller Foundation ‘Reset the Table’ Report Predicted COVID-Related Food Crisis — 2 Years Before It Happened
Good clip talking about the bio distribution of the lipid nanoparticle and how it is distributed across all organs in the body
DAY ONE: Exposing the WHO in Oxford and Liverpool
Rebel News went on tour in England with a video billboard van and a message — the WEF and the WHO do not belong here and Boris Johnson has sold us out to the globalists.
MEP Warns: ‘EU is Planning the Africanization of Europe’ (Video)
AMPS Medico-Legal Parliamentary Summit
Immoral Democrats Make Excuses, Blame Others, and Divide
CIA recruits ISIS fighters from SDF-run prisons in Syria to fight in Ukraine: Report
Paul Craig Roberts Nuke War Coming, Mysterious Deaths Don’t Stop, Dems Can’t Win
US Court Ruling May Take 70,000 Truckers Off Road, Spur Jams
Og, der slapp Stoltenberg katta ut av sekken
NATO løgner påvist: En tidligere NATO-analytiker snakker ut
” I dag gjengir vi noen ganske viktige artikler som skjærer gjennom den løgnaktige vestlige propagandaen rundt krigen i Ukraina fra dag én og frem til i dag. Forfatteren av disse bemerkelsesverdige dokumentene er ikke marxist. Langt ifra. Hans navn er Jacques Baud, en tidligere oberst i den sveitsiske hæren og tidligere medlem av den sveitsiske strategiske etterretningstjenesten. Han jobbet også for NATO, under og etter Ukraina-krisen i 2014, hvoretter han deltok i programmer relatert til Ukraina.”
Jacques Baud: Ukraine instrumentalized by the West?
“Has Vladimir Putin become the master of the game? Why and how did the Russian President decide to attack Ukraine? Did he seek to prevent Ukraine from associating with Europe? Does he seek to reconstitute the USSR? Did NATO promise not to expand east after 1990?”
Dr. Erik Enby Presents His Pfizer Vaccine Microscopy Analysis In A Fascinating Interview
Full Russian Military Brief Translation
Pride – en horisontal revolusjon
EU’s program til støtte for uddannelse, unge og sport, budget 200 mia. kroner: ‘#TheFutureIsQueer’
Logistical plans for ushering in “you’ll eat bugs and like it” becoming more clear as the major players begin identifying themselves publicly
Dutch farmers form tractor blockade in ‘massive’ protest over nitrogen policy
Disse 2 YouTube-videoer bliver sikkert fjernet – men ligger altså på nettet d. 4.7.22
If I could only make one video this year, this would be the one
American Late Stage Empire PROVOKING WWIII