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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Følgende links har en fast følger og hjælper på NewSpeek samlet. 

Brian Berletic 

Brian Berletic er en af mine yndlingsanalytikere, som i denne ombæring har rystet mig grumt. En øjenåbner af rang. 

For er jeg blevet trukket rundt ved næsen, når jeg igennem de seneste to år har udsendt alarmerende bulletiner om Kinas ’social credit points-system’? 

Ifølge Berletic: Ja. ’The social credit points-system’ i form af ét ’Orwellian, draconic system’ eksisterer ikke!

Vi lader den lige stå et øjeblik………  

Lyt til linket:  China’s “Social Credit Score System” – Fact or Fiction?   

  • med denne intro: 

“Western government & the Western media have deliberately lied about China operating a central “social credit score” system driven by political and ideological criteria. However, the same Western sources admit upon further examination that this is a myth, that no such system exists, and the multitude of systems China does use are for tracking and punishing what would be considered serious offenses anywhere.” 

Jeff Nyquist
This Disturbing Theory About the Vaxx Connects All the Dots – Jeff Nyquist Interview 


Tiffany Meier
Power Grab: What Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term Means 

“Following in the footsteps of Chairman Mao Zedong, one of the most brutal communist leaders the world has seen, is history about to repeat itself with Xi Jinping?

In this special report, we look at what Xi Jinping’s third term means for China and the world, what America can expect going forward, and if the free world is about to be embroiled in war.” 


Det kommunistiske parti i Kina
How Communism Actually Works   

“How is communism actually implemented across the world? The answer is through non-communist governments. The national policies of these governments are influenced by small groups of communists from behind the scenes.”

Obama Holdovers Allowed the Chinese Communist Party’s Subversion of America  

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has established police offices on American soil, and this is a continuation of other programs the regime has been pushing to extend its tyrannical policies beyond its borders. According to Alex Newman, author and award-winning international journalist, much of this exported abuse has been allowed to happen through Obama holdovers in the U.S. government.

We speak with Alex Newman about the CCP’s overseas police forces, how they target and abuse anyone who opposes the regime, and how individuals still working in the U.S. government have allowed this to happen.” 

China Opens Police Stations in 30 Countries to Monitor and Control Chinese Citizens   

Inofficiella kinesiska ’polisstationer’ utspridda över världen – även Sverige  

Pepe Escobar

China: Xi Gets Ready for the Final Countdown  



Jeffrey A. Tucker

Why Your Mask Came from China  

“There is a strange way in which US lockdowns and disease panic miraculously healed the US/China trade rift that had been developing for the two years prior. 

Most “personal protective equipment” and especially masks used during the lockdown period in the US was imported from China in a deal between Trump and Xi, brokered by Trump’s son-in-law. Trade recovered, beginning with pandemic-related goods.”

Judith Bergman 

Kommunistkinas ’Belt and Road’-inititiv dumper miljøet  

“Siden dannelsen af Belt and Road-initiativet (BRI) er milliarder af dollars fra kinesiske fonde blevet kanaliseret over i projekter med fossile brændstoffer i hele verden. Disse investeringer vil gøre begrænsningen af klimaforandringer langt vanskeligere…

“Det meste af Kinas finansiering af energi går i retning af ikke-vedvarende energikilder. Mellem 2014 og 2017 gik 91% af seks kinesiske storbankers lån inden for energisektoren i BRI-lande til projekter med fossile brændstoffer. I 2018 gik 40% af lånene inden for energisektoren til kulprojekter. I 2016 var Kina involveret i 240 kulkraftværker i BRI-lande. Antallet er sandsynligvis steget siden da.”  

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