Af Lone Nørgaard.
I denne ombæring har NewSpeek atter samlet en række links om klimaet / klimaløgnen.
Climate “Reparations” To Fund Global Tyranny Alex Newman TNA
Under the guise of “loss and damage” for “climate change” supposedly caused by Western CO2 emissions, governments are promising to seize hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars from the middle class to hand to the United Nations and Third World regimes that have kept their people in poverty, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State.
At the upcoming COP27 in Egypt, that will be one of the top priorities of globalists, communists and kleptocrats. But a red wave in the US midterm may throw a monkey wrench into the machinery.
(COP27 bliver 27. FN’s klimakonference, der afholdes fra 6. til 18. november i Sharm El Sheikh)
Professor Ian Plimer – Renowned Australian Geologist Discusses Real Science Behind Climate Change
Professor Ian Plimer is a prominent Australian Geologist, a former professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide, and Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne.
He joins us to discuss the real science behind Climate Change, explaining changing climate patterns throughout history that prove the bad science and fallacies we are being told today about Climate Change. Professor Plimer details how this agenda is being used against the population.
How ‘Climate Change’ Is a Lie, Hiding an Agenda for Social Control: Gregory Wrightstone.
“CO2 is cited as a dangerous emission that is a primary cause of climate change. Yet, historical data and modern science show not only that CO2 may not be as bad as it sounds, but that the information is being falsified. This is according to Gregory Wrightstone, executive director of the CO2 Coalition.
Wrightstone said, “What I found, frankly, shocked me. I was amazed at how much information—misinformation—was out there and how much science and the scientific process was being trampled on.”
We speak with Gregory Wrightstone about CO2, suppressed data, and how the science of climate change is being manipulated for political agendas.”
Oligarker bakom klimataktivism – ”Vill destabilisera nationell politisk makt”
Hur kommer det sig att så många stenrika människor stödjer ”klimataktivism”?
Storbritanniens monark Charles III kallas för ”klimatkungen”
Kung Charles och ”The Great Reset” – så vill klimatkungen förändra världen
”Och enligt landets nya premiärminister Rishi Sunak, som är god för 730 miljoner pund och därmed är rikare än kungen, är den så kallade klimatkrisen ”tydlig och den är brådskande”, och han vill se ”nettonollutsläpp”….”
” Huvudsyftet är ju att destablisera nationell politisk makt så att globalisterna kan utöva sin egen makt och tvinga på världen sina önskemål och sin vilja, säger Lars Bern…”
”Ren” er lige som “smart” blevet forudsætningen for al teknologi. Begge dele er myter.
Smart teknologi er overvågningsteknologi. Den er ikke smartere på grund af dens iboende kvaliteter, men fordi den sender og modtager data, der gør den i stand til at være “smartere” i sin manipulering med brugerne.”
”Myten om renhed næres af en virkelighedsflugt. Eskapismen har en høj pris, der ikke kun er de spildte milliarder og de ruinerede liv, som miljøpåfundene forårsager, men den indgår desuden i hele venstrefløjens blodige historie, der er én lang virkelighedsflugt ind i filosofikongernes tyranni.”
The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset”
”Det globalistiske Davos World Economic Forum proklamerer nødvendigheden af at nå et verdensomspændende mål om “netto nul kulstof” inden 2050. Dette lyder for de fleste langt ude i fremtiden og er derfor stort set ignoreret.
Alligevel sætter transformationer i gang fra Tyskland til USA, til utallige andre økonomier, scenen for skabelsen af det, der i 1970’erne blev kaldt den nye internationale økonomiske orden.
I virkeligheden er det en plan for en global teknokratisk totalitær korporativisme, en der lover enorm arbejdsløshed, afindustrialisering og økonomisk sammenbrud.”
David Craig; author of ‘THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS‘ kommenterer Klaus Swabs/WEF´s artikel!
Klimahysteriet – den nye religion
Og så lidt om klimahysteriet som den nye religion.
Nu kan vi få en Eco Bible og” Ten Universal Climate Principles, which will shape how religious congregations address climate change and foster a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence.”
This Book Teaches How You Can Achieve a More Sustainable Future in Accordance with God’s Will!
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development
“The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD), together with our partners, is launching the Sinai Climate Partnership at the United Nations climate conference COP 27 on November 13 in Sinai.
The Launch on Mount Sinai
As we launch the Sinai Climate Partnership at the summit of Mt. Sinai, the initiative will unveil Climate Justice: Ten Universal Climate Principles, which will shape how religious congregations address climate change and foster a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence.
We will lead a historic ceremony of repentance, intention-setting, and call to action upon the summit of Mt. Sinai to unite the faithful of this world in a common cause: the defense of our shared home, Earth.
The unveiling ceremony at Mt. Sinai will be followed by several press conferences at COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh, along with meetings with global leaders to bring the voice of the religious community to the battle on climate change.”
MARIA ZEEE skrev dette på Telegram d. 3 nov 2022 (fremhævelserne er NewSpeeks)
“Huge steps on the Climate Change Religion as the ‘Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development’ launches a religious partnership between faiths to cement the climate change lie.
They list the purpose of their partnership:
1. Bring religious leadership to UN public policy discussions on climate change
2. Resonate a clarion spiritual call for climate action throughout faith-based communities around the world
3. Provide thought leadership for faith-based communities ready to mobilize on climate change.
They then go on to list their version of 10 Commandments, which they list as ‘Universal Principles’.
And where is this all happening? Mt. Sinai. Where the original 10 Commandments were given to Moses. They are replacing God’s law with theirs on earth.
People must understand the spiritual significance of this ceremony. Satan’s goal is always to mimic and replace what God has created. The way he and his global servants achieve this is through the narrative that has infiltrated every part of society; love yourself, do what makes you feel good, truth is hate speech, etc.
Where the so-called-atheistic leaders are saying “we don’t need God”, what they are actually doing is deceiving the world into worshipping Satan.
Make no mistake – the globalists are NOT atheists. They very much believe in God, but the one they serve and are pushing the whole world to serve is Satan. Sadly, many will be deceived in the last days.”
Greta Thunberg throws in her lot with the anti-capitalist Left