Af Lone Nørgaard.
Jeg ved ikke, hvordan I har det ’derude’, men jeg synes, det bliver stadig sværere at finde ud af, hvad der er op og ned i verden. Efter at have forstået hvor massiv propagandaen er i den såkaldt frie vestlige presse, sætter jeg spørgsmålstegn ved alt, jeg hører og læser.
Samtidig forsøger jeg at navigere efter de kriterier, jeg tidligere har beskrevet i: HVILKE KILDER OG EKSPERTER KAN MAN STOLE PÅ? – NewSpeek.
Med en følgers hjælp har NewSpeek samlet en række links, der ikke giver noget entydigt billede af, hvad der foregår i Solens rige. Analytikeren Brian Berletic har gjort et ret troværdigt indtryk, og også denne artikel Fup og fakta omkring situationen i Kina har påvirket mig.
Så jeg må skrive som så ofte før: Læs, lyt og døm selv.
Vi lever i sandhed i spændende tider!
Virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan Claims Coronavirus Lab ‘Cover-Up’ Made Her Flee China September 2020 10 min
“Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a scientist who was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she turned whistleblower on the Chinese Government, after she alleged they knew about the spread of the coronavirus before publicly acknowledging the outbreak. As a result, Dr Yan claims she had to flee to the US for her own safety and is now determined to spread her findings to the world.”
Gravitas: Wuhan virus made in lab? Chinese virologist has ‘proof’ (Li-Meng Yan ) September 2020 4 min
Exclusive | Independent Virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan Talks To Business Today TV On China Covid Surge 23. December 2022 10 MIN
Her siger Li-Ming Yan, at der er noget ”suspicious” i forbindelse med det pludseligt store antal syge i Kina nu og giver sine synspunkter på mulige årsager. Et emne der også berøres i linket med Mike Adams.
Mike Adams interviews Dr. Yan Li-Meng ca. marts 2022
“Dr. Yan Li-Meng interviewed by the Health Ranger on China’s biological warfare threats against the world.”
CENSORED in MSM! Uyghur genocide narrative DESTROYED November 2022
“Most us realize that we’re being lied to and propagandized to on a MASSIVE scale each and every day. This flood of disinformation works particularly well because the system forces us to work so hard that we’re too exhausted to even question the BS. So it’s an absolute godsend that we still have real journalists like Dan Cohen here to check the facts”.
China’s “Century of Humiliation” & US-Chinese Tensions Today w/Carl Zha 6. december 2022
Här är den kinesiska regimens eget ”Skynet”
China Is Reopening, But It’s a Long Road Back to Normality
China Has Just Released a Draft National Social Credit Law 23. november 2022
“When the Chinese government talks about social credit, the term covers two different things: traditional financial creditworthiness and “social creditworthiness,” which draws data from a larger variety of sectors. The new draft law addresses the two types of creditworthiness with two different sets of rules.
Financial creditworthiness is a familiar concept in the West: it documents individuals’ or businesses’ financial history and predicts their ability to pay back future loans.
Initially, back in 2014, the plan was to have a national system tracking all “social credit” ready by 2020. Now it’s almost 2023 and the legal framework for the system was just released in the November 2022 draft law.”
Sidst i Expose artiklen henvises til:
‘China just announced a new social credit law. Here’s what it means’ published by MIT Technology Review 22. november 2022
“The West has largely gotten China’s social credit system wrong. But draft legislation introduced in November offers a more accurate picture of the reality.” (by Zeyi Yang)
Busting the Myths Surrounding 1989 Tiananmen Square
The New Atlas (B.B.!) 25. august 2021
“This week on Inflection, we talk about the truth behind the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident, how the Western media has lied about it every year on the anniversary of the violence since it happened, how this is part of a wider propaganda war waged against China and how the 1989 events themselves were part of attempts to deliberately destabilize and overthrow the Chinese government. We also discuss recent news including Malaysia’s new prime minister, a recent bombing in Baluchistan Pakistan targeting Chinese engineers, and Cambodia’s ongoing efforts to uproot US meddling. Inflection is a weekly show featuring Angelo Giuliano and Brian Berletic, discussing recent headlines and in-depth discussion of topics shaping the shift from West to East and unipolarism to multipolarism.”
Busting the Myths Surrounding 1989 Tiananmen Square 9. oktober 2021
30 minutters uddrag af hele videoen
“Brian Berletic and Angelo Giuliano discuss the truth behind the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident, how the Western media has lied about it every year on the anniversary of the violence since it happened, how this is part of a wider propaganda war waged against China and how the 1989 events themselves were part of attempts to deliberately destabilize and overthrow the Chinese government.”