Af Lone Nørgaard.
WHO er en af mafiaklassens allerværste drenge (jf. fx her og her).
Todd Callendar og James Roguski er to af de navne, som er helt fremme i skoene med analyserne af WHO. Organisationen har fanden skabt, for under dække af omsorg for folkesundheden rulles det globale magtapparat ud.
WHO er en at hovedaktørerne i The Great Reset, der skal skaffe en lille håndfuld mennesker verdenskontrol.
Nedenfor følger en række links, der opdaterer os på djævelskabet.
Todd Callendar
Todd Callendar – Stopping the WHO, Camps & Medical Tyranny with Targeted Strategies
“Attorney Todd Callendar joins us to discuss the need for targeted strategies to stop quarantine camps being utilised to imprison citizens, Biden’s Executive Order to advance transhumanism, end the patenting of human beings and exiting the system of medical martial law being built globally.”
James Roguski
Uncensored: This is How We Defeat the WHO with James Roguski
“James Roguski has been relentless in campaigning against the WHO Pandemic Treaty and he joins Maria Zeee today to discuss his new campaign, ‘SCREW THE WHO’, which has contributions from the likes of global platforms that have given a voice to all of the censored doctors and experts who have been silenced by globalists pushing this war on humanity such as Zeee Media, Del Bigtree from The Highwire, and more.”
World Health Organization Public Hearings
Thursday September 29 – Friday September 30, 2022.
Med en lang række 90 sekunders videoer indsendt til WHO ……
Global Walkout Campaign Calls for ‘Unified Pushback Against Globalist Agenda’
Every Sunday at 8 p.m. London time, Global Walkout announces a new “step” or action people can take to extricate themselves from the globalist agenda and impede its progress.
“Many of us, myself included, have unconsciously subscribed to globalism by accepting the conveniences they offered us through technology communication and easy banking,” said Monica Smit, manager of the Global Walkout campaign, in the intro video for the Global Walkout.”
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