Af Lone Nørgaard.
Hvis du ikke vil ende i et digitalt fængsel lige om hjørnet, så skal du til at bruge kontanter. Hver dag og hele tiden. Og du skal gøre det i selskab med andre, for én svale gør ingen sommer.
Her kommer nogle forslag, der er hentet i en Signal-tråd. Jeg kender ikke kilden, men det er i denne omgang underordnet:
I’ve been in France for three months now. Their approach to this is simply fantastic.
I’d like to share a bit about it.
A very well-known supermarket here decided to go cashless.
A group of 50 people got together and agreed that they would all do a big shop on the same day. Pilling their trolleys to the brim and each person getting to the checkout – the human check out, not the machines – and having everything scanned before bringing cash out.
The staff were absolutely overrun. There management in a complete tizz, everyone repeatedly, calmly and in a very organised and polite fashion acting as if they knew nothing. No edges, no rudeness, no humiliation.
The supermarket reinstated cash.
Petrol stations: filling up with fuel then only having cash to pay.
Restaurants: groups of friends going out for dinner and nobody taking phones or credit cards, only cash.
They are doing it in every single area of France. Simply refusing to be part of it.
The reason it works is because it’s organised in large groups. One person here and another there doesn’t work. It needs to be really carefully constructed.