Wolfgang Wodarg
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Af Lone Nørgaard & Peter Jørgensen. 

Hvorfor bringer NewSpeek kun artikler, videoer og links, der er kritiske over for de statslige myndigheders ’fortælling’, som det hedder på nudansk? 

Med de statslige myndigheder sigter vi til regeringen, Sundhedsstyrelsen og Statens Serum Institut og deres mikrofonholdere på DR, TV2 og det meste af den statsstøttede presse med Politiken og Berlingske i førertrøjerne.
   Bevares, med et par figenblade her og dér, men uhyre sjældent en afbalanceret fremstilling: For og imod den alt-for-hurtigt-udviklede Covid-vaccine.  

Derfor fortsætter NewSpeek med at formidle links, som, vi vurderer, rummer kvalitet i datafremstilling, argumentation og formidling, så disse kan rette op på slagsiden i den offentlige debat. Når én – og kun én – fortælling bliver kolporteret, mens modrøster bliver udgrænset og bortcensureret, så er det korrekte ord for informations-strømmen da vist: Propaganda? Eller….? 

Og nej: Vi er ikke virologer, og vi kan ikke bedømme sandhedsværdien i alle de indlæg, vi bringer. Men det kan journaliststanden så sandelig heller ikke, når de skriver deres artikler og giver uforgribelige meninger til kende i de trykte medier og på tv og radio. 

Så læs, reflekter og DØM SELV! Skulle du finde fejl i, hvad vi lægger op, hører vi gerne fra dig. Vi er kun interesserede i at blive klogere. 


Globalisterne fører krig mod læger
Først kommer dette link, der fokuserer på, hvordan globalisterne fører krig mod læger, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved den officielle ’fortælling’: 

WARNING: Globalists Launch War on Doctors Who Question State Vaccination and Coronavirus Narratives (Video) – RAIR (

  • Posted by Amy Mek
  • On January 5, 2021
  • Accountable Tech, Air Force, anti-meningococcal vaccine, Antonio Magi, Ardea, CCP, China Virus, Chinese Coronavirus, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Tyranny, COVID-19, Dr. Giuseppe Delicati, Dr. Steven LaTulippe, Filippo Anelli, Italy, Ivrea, Jan Bonte, mandatory vaccination, Mariano Amici, Medical Chamber in Rome, Pierpaolo Sileri, Rome, Turin

En læge straffet for at problematisere coronavirusens farlighed
An Italian family doctor who questioned the severity of the Chinese coronavirus “pandemic” and vaccine effectiveness has been punished with a one-fifth salary cut for the next five months. The punishment has been imposed on the former medical Air Force officer by the local health service in Turin despite evidence supporting the doctors claims as true. This physician is one of thirteen medical doctors in Italy and one of many across the free world whose careers are at risk for deviating from the state’s coronavirus narrative.

In an internet video from October 2020, Dr. Giuseppe Delicati raised serious doubts about the magnitude of the pandemic, the reliability of coronavirus tests, and the potential dangers of the seasonal flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine magnifying the effects of the virus, citing what the Ivrea prosecutor deems not credible sources.


The doctor addressed the potential correlation between the flu vaccine and/or pneumococcal vaccine, with the increased risk of death in the event of coronavirus infection.

En indsprøjtning med mRNA
Dr. Delicati explains that traditional vaccines use a weakened or killed virus in order to give the immune system something to learn from in the event of infection with the virus. However, these new injections are not at all vaccines in any way other than method of delivery. They are in actuality an injection of mRNA which trains your cells to produce components of the coronavirus in order to alert your immune system, a technique that is being used in an unprecedented way. The doctor also warns of “provoking terrible autoimmune illnesses”, a concern echoed by Prominent virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, as reported at RAIR Foundation USA 

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Miraklernes tid er ikke forbi
En lille opmuntring før den næste nedslående artikel om, hvordan vi trækkes rundt ved næsen. Miraklernes tid er nemlig ikke helt forbi, for her kommer et klip fra TV2News – ja, du læste rigtigt! – som er særdeles se- og lytteværdigt. 

Et såre fornuftigt indspark i vaccine-debatten, der kan koges ned til: Klap hesten med at få vaccineindsprøjtninger og styrk dit immunsystem, hvis du ikke tilhører en svækket gruppe. 

Hvis alle de etablerede medier(s journalister) arbejdede konsekvent på denne vis, kunne NewSpeek lukke og slukke.  


Wolfgang Wodarg: ’Krig mod en joker’ 

Sidst, men ikke mindst følger en længere artikel af Dr. med. Wolfgang Wodarg. Det er en lang og indviklet sag, så den skal nok indtages i små doser. 

Wodargs hjemmeside er på tysk, men heldigvis er denne artikel oversat til engelsk:  

War against a Joker 


The pharmaceutical industry and its virologists are currently trying, for transparent reasons, to define the pathogen SARS-CoV2 as a stable hostile entity. For the “war against the virus”, the danger is needed, represented by a spiked ball. A “corona-free world” is the declared goal of vaccine-obsessed Bill Gates and his political friends. Also, with regard to a possible vaccination, they try to give us the illusion of a clearly definable enemy in the world of viruses. After all, this is the prerequisite for the testing business and the governmental enforcement of a worldwide vaccination policy that is risk-free for vaccine manufacturers. Today, on 4.5.2020, an online donor conference on the “Creation of a corona-free world” (ARD-Tagesschau) is taking place and Chancellor Merkel promises to spend billions of our tax money on it. From a scientific point of view, all these efforts are – to put it mildly dangerous aberrations. I am not yet talking about the profiteers of this madness.

Life is not trivial and calculable
It is absolutely certain that the SARS virus is also constantly and rapidly changing. And what good is a vaccination against something that has long since changed incalculably? Our immune system also reacts unpredictably. Cross-immunities? Immune memory? The specificity and significance of tests is quickly fading. So does the effect of a vaccine.

That’s why proof of immunity is a farce, and if it becomes law, a health hazard that cannot be justified. For the same reason, mass vaccinations against respiratory viruses are a risky nonsense and may cause bodily injury. With rapidly changing pathogens, as with influenza vaccination, success is a matter of luck. Only afterwards can it be determined whether the vaccinated persons were better off than the non-vaccinated. This remains a good deal, since an evidence-based prior benefit assessment will of course never be possible. Up to now, other viruses have been happy and spread where one type of virus has become difficulties by vaccination.

The Wuhan viruses are long gone
It’s all about the extremely high mutation rate of RNA viruses, which includes SARS-CoV2.

The rate is impressively demonstrated by the website CoV-Glue, ” Amino acid analysis for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic”, which shows that for SARS-CoV2 the mutation rate is very high in a very short period of about 4 months.

· 7237 non-synonymous, i.e. amino acid changing mutations (replacements),

· 6 insertions (inserting additional bases) and

· 87 deletions (loss of bases in the gene sequence) in found gene sequences.


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