Af Lone Nørgaard.
Først en gentagelse:
FN’s Agenda 2030, den grønne omstilling / klimaalarmismen, indvandringen / islamiseringen af Vesten, World Economic Forum / EU-toppens pres for at indføre det digitale pas, Covid-bedraget og Ukraine-krigen er alle spydspidser i den globalistiske elites våde drøm om verdenskontrol.
Foreløbigt glider det i olie.
”Lad aldrig en god krise gå til spilde”
Lige nu demonstreres Obamas statschef Rahm Emmanuels teori på kraft i Ukraine, efter den har været flittigt brugt under den postulerede coronakrise:
“Lad aldrig en god krise gå til spilde. Den åbner muligheder for at gennemføre ting, der ikke syntes mulige tidligere.”
Lige præcis. Stadig mere tyder på, at Ukraine-krigen skal bruges til at udløse 3. verdenskrig, der vil skabe ragnarok med fødevarekrise, flygtningestrømme og finansielt sammenbrud.
Her følger en række klip, der understøtter tesen om Ukraine som udløser af 3. verdenskrig.
Sergey Lavrov
Først den russiske udenrigsminister Sergey Lavrov:
Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday 23rd March 2022, that the Polish proposal to send NATO peacekeepers to Ukraine would lead to the unthinkable scenario of a direct military confrontation between Russia and the Alliance.
Suppleret med: Russian FM says Ukraine events an attempt by the West to establish a new world order
Stew Peters & Lara Logan
Her kommer Lara Logan igen – på besøg hos Stew Peters. Logan er en af de sjældne eksemplarer i journaliststanden, som har forstået, hvad professionen går ud på – i modsætningen til slænget af ’presstitutes’:
Jerm Warfare
Jerm Warfare er en af mine favoritter, fordi han inviterer nogle af denne verdens mest begavede og vidende mennesker m/k til at kommentere på centrale emner. I sit seneste nyhedsbrev skriver han bl.a.:
The new kid on the mass psychosis block, however, is “standing with Ukraine”.
Just like the corporate media duped millions into believing that standing less than two metres away from a perfectly healthy person is a death-wish, the corporate media is now duping millions into believing that anything Russian is evil.
And any sympathy for Russia’s position is “Kremlin propaganda” and “shilling for Putin”.
It’s laughable and precisely the same indoctrination as the Branch Covidians.
I have now interviewed a few individuals regarding the conflict:
- Richard Sakwa is Professor Of Russian And European Politics at the University of Kent. He argues that the US and NATO want a war with Russia, and refused to honour various peace treaties since the fall of the USSR. Ukraine is the trojan horse.
- Russell “Texas” Bentley is a soldier and war correspondent in Donetsk (eastern Ukraine). He has been in Donbass since December 2014, fighting against the aggressive Ukrainian government (and NATO) who refuse to permit the independence of the eastern provinces, despite multiple referendums.
- Kees van der Pijl is a political scientist and former professor of international politics at the University Of Sussex. He argues that the US and NATO want to do to Russia what they did to Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan’, and so on. In other words, they want to divide and conquer. They also want to remove Putin from office; make Ukraine a member of NATO; and ultimately take full political and economic control of Europe.
- Dmitry Orlov is a Russian-American engineer and a writer living in Russia. He argues that the US and NATO want a war with Russia, and that Putin’s Ukrainian incursion was justified because it was about completely neutralising Ukraine’s military (which had built up in spite of the Minsk Agreement), and killing all neo-Nazis (who had infiltrated the Zelensky regime).
The bottom line is that the US and NATO want a war with Russia, and have been egging it on. (min fremhævelse – LN).
And when countries are invaded by the crumbling American empire, no sanctions occur, and nobody puts a little flag on their Facebook profile. In fact, the establishment cheers.
As it happens, there is a handful of journalists not caught up in the cult, such as Lara Logan, who has been a war reporter for over 30 years.
En sidste bemærkning fra min side:
Måske – MÅSKE – er Putin og hans manifestationer også et set-up? Måske – MÅSKE – har den globalistiske elite allerede delt verden bag sig, og også Putin spiller sin tildelte rolle i geopolitikken?
JEG VED DET IKKE! Men det gælder vel om at stille også dette spørgsmål?
Links til yderligere perspektivering af ovenstående:
På engelsk her:
How Ukraine Government Is Converting Digital ID System Into Wartime Tool
Ukraine’s Diia digital app already was one of the most expansive government-run digital ID systems in the world, but since the Feb. 24 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the app has been expanded for use as a digital wartime tool.
“In August 2019, shortly after Zelensky was elected, his government established the Ministry for Digital Transformation — with Fedorov named as minister. The World Economic Forum (WEF) praised Fedorov for his work, including the Diia app.”
Should Ukraine be broken up? Prof John Mearsheimer Q & A
Lara Logan: Ukraine, Nazis, CIA, and United Nations | Flyover Conservatives
Eight Years Ago: US-NATO Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine 23. marts 2022 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
“This article first published by Global Research on March 6, 2014 at the very outset of the Ukraine crisis explains the nature of the Kiev proxy regime.
It is of utmost relevance to an understanding of recent events.
What is happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications and could potentially lead to a World War III scenario.“
Was the Azov Battalion Behind the Mariupol Theater Bombing? Or was it Russia?
PUTIN’S WAR: Biden, Soros, and the Ghost of John McCain
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