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Af Lone Nørgaard & Peter Jørgensen. 

NewSpeek får med meget jævne mellemrum tilsendt oplysninger og (links til) artikler af læger, der ikke vil træde frem med navn af frygt for at miste deres autorisation. 

Vi har bl.a. fået tilsendt nedenstående, som vi rigtigt gerne ville have bragt på dansk. Men oversættelser tager lang tid og ressourcer fra andet arbejde, og i øvrigt ville vi også risikere at lave fejl i de medicinske termer, da ingen af os har en lægefaglig eller virologisk baggrund. 

Derfor får du disse komplicerede og tekniske informationer om Covid-19 vacciner på engelsk. Der måske fremover mere korrekt skal betegnes ’de såkaldte Covid-vacciner’?  

Som vi plejer at skrive: Læs og døm selv. 



The covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are not real vaccines, as they are totally different from other vaccines. Vaccine means a living weakened microorganism. The Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ contains no living weakened microorganism but it is a synthetically manufactured genetically modified cell programming system, enveloped in synthetic nanoparticles, developed for treatment of cancer. 

Moderna’s own website:

We set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

Website for American society of Gene and cell therapy:  It is the first-ever mRNA vaccine or drug approved by the FDA, representing a culmination of decades of research that now demonstrates the safety and efficacy of gene therapy on the world’s stage.


Vaccine trials are carried out by the same companies, that have manufactured them. As a result, those trials on the basis on which the vaccines are approved, are not objective or valid from a scientific point of view.

“Pfizer was responsible for the design and conduct of the trial, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and the writing of the manuscript.”

Ang Moderna vaccinen: “Investigational New Drug sponsor, Moderna, was responsible for the overall trial design (with input from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the NIAID, the Covid-19 Prevention Network, and the trial cochairs), site selection and monitoring, and data analysis.”

2. Subjective self-report: The vaccines have not been properly tested for side effects, because the side effects are ‘studied’ merely by subjective self-report only. None of the participants in the trials have been examined objectively for side effects by a health professional (doctor or nurse), or by paraclinical exams (urine, blood, scans).

“The primary end points of this trial were solicited, specific local or systemic adverse events and use of antipyretic or pain medication within 7 days after the receipt of each dose of vaccine or placebo, as prompted by and recorded in an electronic diary in a subset of participants (the reactogenicity subset), and unsolicited adverse events (those reported by the participants without prompts from the electronic diary) through 1 month after the second dose and unsolicited serious adverse events through 6 months after the second dose.”

3. Only short term follow-up: The vaccines have not been studies for long term side-effects, only 3-4 months.

4. Increased risk of mutations: The vaccines may induce increased rate of mutations in DNA. This is a theoretical – and highly likely – risk because:

a. The DNA is easily influenced to make mutations. Mutations in the DNA is easily induced by even the slightest outside influence, such as food, illnesses and even sunlight (crosslinking of DNA).
b. Injecting materials into the cells that are synthetically manufactured RNA- or DNA-elements, GMO (embedded in synthetically manufactured nano-particles) would theoretically increase the risk of mutations. The effect of such mutations would be seen sometimes only after some time, and it could be very late, after 10-30 years. Careful long-term cohort studies with regular clinical exams must be carried out.

Nobody has ever done a clinical trial on this. Nobody has ever done a clinical trial on the effect of the Covid-19 vaccines on the DNA and the rate of mutations. Hence there is absolutely NO clinical evidence to disprove this highly likely possibility, that the Covid-19 vaccines induce mutations. The so-called ‘experts’ only mention that they do not believe such a thing would happen. Their statement is only based on belief, not on objective verifiable clinical trials.

What is needed is to do DNA tests before and after giving the vaccines, in a Cohort study with a follow-up of 10-30 years.

5. In Europe: Masses of people die after getting the vaccines. However, these numbers are hidden, as the patients are registered as having died from Covid-19. Most likely many will die from the vaccines after 1-5-20 years, as the side effects from the vaccines most likely will be coming slowly.

6. Antibody enhanced dependency: The vaccination could potentially make the disease worse through a mechanism called Antibody Enhanced Dependency (AED).

7. The Covid-19 vaccines could increase the rate of auto-immune disease. Injecting materials into the cells that are RNA- or DNA-elements, GMO and synthetically manufactured would theoretically increase the risk of auto-immune diseases.

[En oversigt over ingredienser i de to mest almindelige Covid-19-vacciner]

Here is a list of ingredients in the two most common Covid-19 vaccines:


For Moderna står der følgende:

En dosis (0,5 ml) indeholder 100 mikrogram messenger-RNA (mRNA) (indkapslet i SM-102 lipidnanopartikler). Enkeltstrenget, 5′-capped messenger-RNA (mRNA) fremstillet ved hjælp af en cellefri in vitrotranskription fra de korresponderende dna-skabeloner, der koder for det virale spike (S)-protein i SARSCoV-2.


For Comirnaty Pfizer står der følgende:

Et hætteglas (0,45 ml) indeholder 5 doser af 0,3 ml efter fortynding. 1 dosis (0,3 ml) indeholder 30 mikrogram COVID-19 mRNA-vaccine (indkapslet i lipidnanopartikler). Enkeltstrenget, 5’-capped messenger RNA (mRNA), produceret ved hjælp af en cellefri in vitrotranskription fra de korresponderende dna-skabeloner, som koder for det virale spike (S)-protein i SARS-CoV-2. 

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