Af Lone Nørgaard.
En præsentation af Clif High:
“In 1993, Clif High began his Predictive Linguistics experiment of releasing his web bots on the internet, to scour areas rich in posted language, such as comment sections and later, social media.
He used radical linguistics to reduce extracts from these postings to create an archetypal database. He would then calculate the rate of change of the language based on a system of associations between words and of numeric values for emotional responses from those words and then derive forecasts of the future from these calculations.
Et par stikord fra videoen Vaxx Die-Off for Next Three Years – Clif High:
2022-24 Økonomisk krise
Flere ’vaxed’ vil dø i stort tal, men ikke så stort som frygtet
Globalisterne vil blive stillet til regnskab
De ’vaxede’ vil tage ’the red pill’, hvilket vil udløse organiseret kaos fra de skadede – med angreb på krænkerne
Selv hvis man har taget stikkene, er det ofte ikke helt håbløst