Af Lone Nørgaard.
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I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)
Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Censur + Brendon O’Connell & Paul Cudenec til DK
George Carlin – It’s A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It!
PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: New study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem
Scholz’s Slip of the Tongue Spilled the Beans on Ukraine’s Worst-Kept Secret
The ‘Food Transition’ Is a War on Food, Farmers and Everybody Worldwide
Christine Anderson: From 15-Minute Cities to Climate Lockdowns, the Onslaught of Digital Tyranny
You Have No Idea How Bad This Is – Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction
Brev til Statens Serum Institut (SSi) ang. vaccine og bivirkninger (
Er Søren Pape Poulsen død af ”vaccinen”? Vi VED det ikke!
Michael Nehls won’t be on the panel but will be doing a Tucker episode
(Tilsendt af følger) ”Næste fase i depulations-agendaen: At udradere alle gamle på plejehjem!
Pludselig giver det ret god mening, at de onde i Frankrig har opført forbud mod kritik af mRNA! Dette her er forberedt. Alle lande skal i gang med eutanasi af mennesker på plejehjem. Frankrig er så testland mht. forbud mod kritik. Det samme rammer givet hele EU inden længe. Det er som at genhøre the Day Tapes, depopulation ved højlys dag.
Depopulation 101 – thanks to Jutta of CHD Europe for translating this – 18 languages in total.
Norsk – endvidere bl.a. tysk, slovensk, polsk, svensk, russisk, fransk”. (tilsendt slut)
Catherine Fitts and Robert Kennedy on vaccine fraud and digital ID
“At a speech at a fundraiser in Florida in early 2020 before we realized that Covid would be a thing, Robert Kennedy Jr. explained that Big Pharma globally makes about $50 billion a year from vaccines but then makes another $500 billion a year from treatment of vaccine injuries”. (min fremhævelse – LN)
They were dismissive about the dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccine, then they “Died Suddenly”
**** More than 100 Days and 75 Years of Genocide
**** Steve Falconer on the Jesuits, not the Jews, running the world – Jerm Warfare
The Hamas attack of 7 October 2023 was planned at least 3 years before by the US, UK and Israel
“Briterne hævdede uretmæssigt – som godt illustreret af Dr. Wilde – at have “mandatet” for Palæstina (1918-1948), på grund af den britiske besættelse af områder, der tidligere var styret af Det Osmanniske Rige.
Fredstraktaterne, der bragte Første Verdenskrig til ophør, fastlagde imidlertid også selvbestemmelsesprincippet, der opstod efter krigen. Det betyder, at Palæstina allerede i 1918 havde ret til selvbestemmelse uden mandat fra Storbritannien eller nogen anden over dets nyvundne suverænitet.”
”I november 1947 overdrog Storbritannien deres falsk påståede mandat over Palæstina til FN. Det nyoprettede FN (24. oktober 1945 i San Francisco), med kun 53 medlemmer i 1947, vedtog en delingsresolution af FN’s Generalforsamling (UNGA), som ikke har beføjelse til at ratificere juridisk bindende resolutioner. Således havde UNGA-afstemningen ingen international lovkraft.”
”Luftfotos viser, at massive teltbyer er blevet og er ved at blive bygget i Sinai-ørkenen, hvilket fører til den konklusion, at den forventede arabiske og angiveligt palæstinensiske allierede, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, har indgået en hemmelig aftale med Netanyahu om at modtage de resterende palæstinensere af Gaza – op til 1,4 millioner – under visse omstændigheder .”
Question to be asked is – in a rapidly changing world, who will prevail?
Will it be the omni-power of Zionism, or the positive vibes of the determined, peaceful, and legally steadfast arguments made by Dr. Ralph Wilde, lawyer and advocate for Palestine, at the ICJ on 26 February 2024?”
Videoen med Dr. Ralph Wilde kan også ses her:
Arab League Shocks the World, Humiliates Israel At ICJ! (
Jønke om Rusland, Ukraine og Nato
“Tænk, danskerne tror virkelig medierne”
Orgonite Oasis bliver en månedlig event fra i 2024 i Valby.
23. marts
20. april
24. maj
21. juni
20. juli
17. august
14. september
18. oktober
16. november
14. december
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak & Other World Leaders May Face Criminal Investigation
Mike Yeadon er et sandhedsvidne:
“I can see how unlikely it is that most people, reading this, will experience much, if any, disquiet.
I’ve been in corporate for decades. I’ve seen innocent-looking documents that have a similar feel & they’re the specialty of management consultants.
What they have in common is that they spell trouble for the target of their consideration.
Note the number of roles listed as needing to work together to accomplish unjustified targets for “productivity growth rate”. The poor farmer will be surrounded by a football team sized group of “stakeholders”.
If they’re “late in their career”, you should anticipate being incentivised to leave farming. Earlier, to move from mostly farming to mostly other things.
Notice the intention to automate, robotise and guide by AI the activities of farming.
Notice the desire to “remove barriers to production of insect biomass” (what, such as people’s revulsion at being conned into eating ground up locusts, perhaps?).
The net zero solution tells you this is a product of the perpetrators, orchestrated through the UN FAO.
Electrification of heavy farm machinery is probably impractical as well as very expensive and inappropriate, rendering such vehicles much less well-suited to their tasks. Even the most expensive combine harvesters will not be able to operate for the required 15 hour-days in late summer, because they’ll spend half that period being charged up. I suppose you could always buy a pair.
Resist centralisation of qualifications, because how simple it would be to add a regulation that says unless you’ve the requisite level of certificates, you’re not eligible for certain grants, or licenses to conduct certain farm activities.
It’s not an overnight thing, but you can now view the sweep of history of subsidies as a necessary measure to soften up farming as a whole, rendering even the wealthiest farmers like Clarkson helpless to continue as they do at present, moving from break even or a small profit to a yawning gap between costs and net income, unless you comply with the latest dictats.
If you attempted to tell someone who isn’t aware at all of the UN2030 “Sustainable Development Goals”, let alone their malevolent reality, once stripped of its Orwellian use of language, and I imagine you’d get few converts.
I’ve spoken with Sandi Adams and we were readily able to fit together bits of the global jigsaw about which we each had some experience. Of course there are yet many more pieces that neither of us was equipped to spot, such as the subversion of private property rights, as detailed recently by former hedge fund manager, David Rogers Webb.
It’s beyond difficult to come up with a coherent response to all of this. Other than telling people the truth about apparently infectious respiratory diseases, their treatment & the built-in toxicities of mRNA injections masquerading as vaccines & summarising that “global climate boiling change” (acknowledging Dom Waterson) as well as pointing to the machinations leading to The Great Taking, I don’t know what else to do.
I would point out two things. First, once you realise you’re being lied to by “the authorities” about things fundamental to your health and even life, freedom aside for a moment, surely you must begin to question everything else from the same source?
Second, I see the only chance of delaying or deflecting the overall control agenda is by more and more people knowing about it and saying NO. So I ask everyone to assign an important part of their lives to doing this, personally. The perpetrators are counting on you not doing this.
While you’re at it, please put in place at least some precautions to buy time, in the event the perpetrators initiate something faster moving that the last nonsense, such as building a few weeks’ worth of calories in your home.