Af Lone Nørgaard.
NewSpeek lægger indlæg op tre gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.
Til gengæld udvides BLANDEDE BOLSJER, således at links, der tidligere ville have fået et selvstændigt opslag, vil være at finde her.
Vi forsøger at sætte op tematisk og har markeret særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)
Så her er, hvad vi har samlet i denne omgang. Som altid: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
New World Order / Digital infrastruktur /WHO
**** Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: “You have to be brave now”.
****Ep. 46 The Alex Jones Interview
(det er langt, men med mulighed for punktnedslag. Jf. derpå denne kritik af David Icke:
It’s time to limit how often we can travel abroad – ‘carbon passports’ may be the answer
Naomi Wolf pulls back curtain …
15 Minute City Global Initiative – Agenda 2030 des Weltwirtschaftsforum
15-Minuten-Städtestrategie – diese Städte arbeiten an der Umsetzung:
- Paris – Ville du quart d’heure
- Hamburg
- Barcelona – Superilles
- Bocholt
- Nantes
- Oslo
- Madrid
- Melbourne
- Canterbury
- Brisbane
- Groningen
- Kopenhagen
- Utrecht
- Wien
- Berlin
- Bogotá
- Schanghai – 15-minutes community life circles
- 50 weitere chinesische Städte wollen das Konzept aufnehmen
- auch weitere amerikanische Städte beschäftigen sich mit dieser Vision
Stop for WHO’s Pandemitraktat til maj 2024
Vær med til at afgive din underskrift og stemme for at få stoppet regeringens planer om et ja til WHO Pandemitraktat, der træder i kraft til maj 2024. Det er vigtigt at alle borgere samarbejder på kryds og på tværs om at løfte opgaven til denne vigtige sag.
Det haster at vi alle kommer op ad stolene, og ikke bare skriver under, men også deltager aktivt borger til borger på gader og stræder, for at informere og lægge pres til regeringen og Folketinget om at få stoppet og sagt et nej, til denne pandemitraktat med WHO i førertrøjen.
WHO har givet en deadline på 4 måneder inden maj 2024 til at komme med indsigelser.
Den endelige beslutning om at vedtage instrumentet skal træffes af WHO’s medlemslande.
Når instrumentet er vedtaget, vil det være retligt bindende og forankret i WHO’s statutter. Det vil i sin korthed sige, at traktaten kan ikke kan laves om, eller fortrydes.
’Vacciner’ & biovåben
Steve Kirsch: When This Data Comes Out It Will Be Like The Fall Of The Roman Empire!
Texas AG Sues Pfizer For LYING About Vaxx Effectiveness
Korean Studies Indicate What Our Government is Hiding
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Dr.Peter Breggin & Ginger Breggin with Dr.William Makis
Planned War in Zionist Entity is 911 Continued -The Jewish goal is Greater Israel
Svenska ledare är vilseledda och saknar verklighetskontakt ….
Video: Apropos censur og ytringsfrihed
Kognitiv Dissonans, Logiske Fejlslutninger& Farlig Lydighed
Nick Hudson on the outdated left-right dichotomy
Why Google AI poses a SEVERE THREAT to the very existence of the human race
På positiv-siden
Her er linket til bogen.
Freedom, Consciousness, Ethics, And AI – Derrick Broze at MIT
Check out Derrick Broze’s presentation at MIT! The sound improves after the first 3 minutes.
On December 6th, 2023, Derrick Broze shared a presentation at MIT at the invite of the MIT Students for Open Inquiry. Broze dives into the importance of questioning our relationships with digital technology, the philosophy of Technocracy, the growth of the Surveillance “Smart” Grid, and much more.
Andrew Tate:
There are many battlefields which shape the way the world moves.
One of the most important and forgotten is Cultural.
The USA has long dominated the Culture of Earth,
In the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s,
If you asked anyone in any country about the quality of life in America,
It would have been overwhelmingly positive.
Everyone watched American Hollywood Movies,
They saw the clean streets of New York,
Stories of LA.
“The American Dream”.
America did not only rule Militarily, it ruled CULTURALLY.
Arguably an even greater victory.
Every person wanted to live in America,
Everyone wanted to be America’s friend.
The Internet was AMERICAN.
The culture of the Internet – AMERICAN.
The Memes?
The language?
America still dominates today.
My power and influence are not physical power, I’m not a military.
I made it cool to be strong again, I reintroduced bravery into the Culture.
I am fighting back against the Demons out there trying to convince you to be gay and castrate yourself.
I am on the front lines of the CULTURE WAR.
There is a War for what is normal, what is socially acceptable.
The Demons are trying to convince your children it’s okay to do drugs, it’s okay to be depressed and the best solution is unlimited pills.
They’re trying to make it the norm to comply with their every whim.
Normal that you can’t leave your house.
Normal to watch porn.
They are trying to turn your children into Eunuchs.
Eat the Bugs, Live in the Pod, Climate Change, Pandemics, DINKS, It’s good to be Trans, unable to reproduce.
I do not expect every one of you to help fight this War.
I do not expect you to go out of your way to try and make it cool to raise a family.
But I want you to be aware of the importance of what is happening.
The Culture War must be won.
If it is lost, slavery and oppression are guaranteed for your offspring.
Raise a family, be rich, work hard, hit the gym, be brave, be strong, don’t cave to your impulses.