Af Lone Nørgaard.
NewSpeek lægger indlæg op tre gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.
Til gengæld udvides BLANDEDE BOLSJER, således at links, der tidligere ville have fået et selvstændigt opslag, nu vil være at finde her.
Vi forsøger at sætte op tematisk.
Så her er, hvad vi har samlet i denne omgang. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Det store slag kommer (halvt inde tales om verdenssituationen)
The Meaning of Population Control on The Fact Hunter
THIS is how they are programming YOUR brain
The Deadline is December 1, 2023
…he openly says it was an experiment
Russell Brand – Edward Dowd – Excess Deaths – This will be talked about for the next 100 Years
Pharma-Funded Fact Checkers Control the Internet
David Icke The Cruellest Israel Hoax: 90% of Jews no semites, but Palestinians are – 2017 film
Evidence Shows Israel Killed Own Citizens On The 7th & 53 UN Staff, Journalists Deliberately Killed
Albert Einstein Called Zionists “Criminals”!
Antisemitisme, israelske krigsforbrydelser og WHO’s krig mod ytringsfrihed
Store protester mod og afsløringer af Israels forbrydelser
“Is this a film poster – or a real action photo?
A professional photographer, perfectly positioned, just in time
to capture the dramatic breakout & photo taken from the ISRAELI SIDE!
Light On Conspiracies: https://www.lightonconspiracies.com “
WikiLeaks: 2009 Goldstone report prompted U.S. to BLOCK International Criminal Court referral for alleged Israeli WAR CRIMES (newstarget.com) By Ethan Huff
“Back in 2007 and 2008 around the last financial collapse – perhaps you are starting to notice a pattern between times of economic collapse directly coinciding with times of war?
– a similar conflict broke out between Israel and Gaza that led to airstrikes and other actions that observers say constitute war crimes.
The situation was so bad in 2009 that the Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva commissioned the creation of the so-called Goldstone Report calling for an investigation
into alleged Israeli violations of international humanitarian and human rights law during that time.”
6 min video 2001
Tricky Netanyahu: I Deceived the US to Destroy Oslo Accords. English Subtitles
“In this video, leaked and aired on Channel 10 News in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seen speaking candidly back in 2001 at a constituent’s home about the Oslo Accords, the peace process, Bill Clinton, and the United States.”
Forbrytelsene mot Gaza møtt med kjempedemonstrasjoner i Washington og andre byer – steigan.no
Vestlige ledere har skjønt at de taper krigen i Ukraina og vil forhandle med Russland – steigan.no
SÅDAN Åbner Aktiv Dødhjælp Døren Til Helvede På Klem
”Hur man blir en dragqueen” – ny bok för barn mellan 3 och 6
På positiv-siden
The World’s First Platform for the Unvaccinated
Founder of Unjected Shelby Hosana
Her er linket til bogen.