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Af Erik Refner, senior. 

Ukro-nazier som i månedsvis har holdt sig skjult under jorden i Azovstal, Mariupol, er begyndt at overgive sig i tusindtal. Alle syge og sårede bliver ført til russiske hospitaler, hvor de får lægefaglig behandling. De øvrige er afvæbnet og allerede på vej til russiske fængsler.


I think we still do not fully understand the consequences of the events of the last two days, including today.  It’s one thing when Ukronazis surrender, thousands of them have already surrendered.  

The other is when the legend that has been swayed for months by the forces of all the world’s media collapses. And the ringing silence that reigns today around the topic of Azovstal in the US, Europe and Ukraine speaks for itself.  

In the souls of all, without exception, the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine today, there is the same oppressive emptiness.  Give up while you can.  This is the only way to survive.  Your Nazis, trained and armed to the teeth, sitting in deep concrete anti-nuclear bunkers, clearly showed the inevitability of Russia’s victory.

Surrendered Azov terrorists heading to Russian prison 


The Investigative Committee of Russia reports that it will conduct interrogations of detained persons from among the Nazi gangs who surrendered at the Azovstal plant. 

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