Af Lone Nørgaard.
I denne korte video What’s Wrong With The West? – The Movement episode 4 – der i skrivende stund overraskende nok endnu ligger på YouTube – gennemgår Thierry Baudet, hvad der pt foregår i Vesten.
Introduktionen lyder således:
What is happening in the West? Why are we observing a trend of collapse and decay in all Western societies?
In this episode of The Movement, Thierry Baudet shares his views about the current problems plaguing the West and identifies the three major trends that are responsible for what we are witnessing today: immigration, supranational legislation, and climate change.
Thierry explains that these trends have emerged from Marxist ideology, sold to the public as a higher and utopian state of existence, but that is eventually dystopian and doomed to fail.
He further illustrates that we, as humans, are beings in need of a sense of community but that this very foundation of our humanity is being undermined by these three major projects.
Baudet når et meget langt stykke på kort tid, men som en følger har gjort mig opmærksom på, når han ikke dybt nok. Han mangler at fokusere konkret på bagmændene. Der er heller ikke tale om marxisme i sin essens. Det er snarere korporatisme, altså globalistisk fascisme.
Bagmændene M/K vil stadig bo på slotte og eje børsnoterede selskaber.