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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

I denne omgang bringer vi to ret lange, men interessante videoer, der begge forsøger at indkredse en række vigtige aspekter i analyserne af hele covid-’situationen’.   

Den første er fra Jerm Warfares blog. Et interview med Dr Piers Robinson, der er ekspert i propaganda: 



Den anden video stiller skarpt på, hvorfor mennesker er så villige til at opgive deres frihed. Det er professor Mattias Desmet, der igen er på banen under overskriften: 

Why People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedoms W/ Prof. Mattias Desmet | Aubrey Marcus Podcast

Linket kommer her: – og har følgende intro: 

What are the conditions in any society that will cause a people to willingly sacrifice their freedoms? 

Mattias Desmet has studied and lectured extensively on this phenomenon. He is a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University has and holds a master’s degree in statistics. 

After noticing some anomalies in the statistical analyses conducted during the pandemic, he became concerned by the consensus narrative. He joined me today to discuss his expertise in a phenomenon called ‘mass formation’, a type of collective hypnosis essential for the rise of totalitarian regimes. 

He provides the step by step formula for this collective psychosis to take hold and how this relates to our current situation. He cautions against the dangers of our current societal landscape and offers solutions both individually and collectively to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms.  


Et vigtigt fænomen eller begreb at få styr på lyder oversat fra engelsk ’masseformation’, der dækker over en slag kollektiv hypnose som væsentlig forudsætning for, at totalitære regimer kan komme til magten. 

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