Af Lone Nørgaard.
Hvad er PANDA?
“PANDA (Pandemics – data and analysis) has been outspoken with regards to the policy-makers’ reaction to Covid-19, lockdowns and other approaches to the virus. Its viewpoints have ruffled feathers over the past year, with many in the establishment openly hostile towards the group of actuaries, accountants, economists and other professionals who participate in the global think tank.”
Altså en global tænketank, der taler magten midt imod. Aktuelt de beslutninger, politikere / magthavere tager ifm. Covid-19.
Nick Hudson præsenteres sådan her, inden han får ordet på den YouTube-video, der linkes til nedenfor.
“Nick Hudson, co-founder of PANDA, spoke at the inaugural BizNews Investment Conference in March 2021. Here’s his keynote address.”
Se den – før censuren måtte fjerne også den – lyt, og døm selv.