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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

NewSpeek har tidligere gjort opmærksom på Brian Berletic – bl.a. her og her. Nu skal han imidlertid have nok et opslag, fordi jeg er alvorligt bekymret for, at jeg har ladet mig lokke på en galej vedr. min ensidige forståelse af Kina som verdens grummeste diktaturstat. 

I en artikel om Kina skrev jeg for nyligt følgende: 

Brian Berletic 

Brian Berletic er en af mine yndlingsanalytikere, som i denne ombæring har rystet mig grumt. En øjenåbner af rang. 

For er jeg blevet trukket rundt ved næsen, når jeg igennem de seneste to år har udsendt alarmerende bulletiner om Kinas ’social credit points-system’? Og fået trykt læserbreve i såvel Ekstra Bladet som Nordjyske, der har malet fanden på væggen? 

Ifølge Berletic: Ja. ’The social credit points-system’ i form af ét ’Orwellian, draconic system’ eksisterer ikke!

Vi lader den lige stå et øjeblik………  

Lyt til linket:  China’s “Social Credit Score System” – Fact or Fiction?   

“Western government & the Western media have deliberately lied about China operating a central “social credit score” system driven by political and ideological criteria. However, the same Western sources admit upon further examination that this is a myth, that no such system exists, and the multitude of systems China does use are for tracking and punishing what would be considered serious offenses anywhere.” 

Nok en række links 

Her følger nok en række links fra Brian Berletic, der (overbevisende?) gennemhuller ’den frie vestlige presses’ propaganda om Kinas folkemord på det muslimske Uyghur-mindretal. Læg mærke til dato og årstal. Der er ikke tale om spritnye indlæg.  

”I have, for years, investigated and presented evidence of Washington’s fabricated claims regarding “Uyghur genocide” in China’s Xinijang Uyghur Autonomous Region. 

Below is a selection of videos – fully cited and referenced – exposing what is to China what claims of “WMDs” were to Iraq.” 

Uyghur Tribunal: US-Funded Theater Attacking China    

“The so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” is portrayed by the Western media as an “independent” “people’s tribunal.” In reality, the main organizations initiating it, funding it, and facilitating it are funded by the US government primarily through the National Endowment for Democracy. 

Those “testifying” come from a regular troupe of “activists” paraded around by the US government for years. 

If a real “genocide” was taking place in Xinjiang involving millions of people, why is it that this tribunal relies on this small network of US-funded fronts instead of tapping into what should be an endless supply of witnesses and actual, tangible evidence?” 


AUKUS-Funded Think Tank Pumps Out New Xinjiang Genocide Lies  

Hvad AUKUS er, kan man læse om her.  


CNN Accidentally Busts Xinjiang Genocide Lies

“CNN admits it cannot independently verify an alleged former Chinese police officer who claims to have partaken in interrogations involving torture and witnessing sexual abuse in China’s Xinjiang region against its Uyghur population. 

However, CNN could have easily cross referenced his spoken and written statements from June 7, 2021 as part of the so-called “Uyghur Tribunal” where he completely contradicts the claims he made to CNN. Worse still, CNN never mentions that the alleged former police officer and others they interviewed took part in the tribunal, or that the tribunal even took place…”


FAKE NEWS: UK Media Claims Demolished Mall is Part of China’s Uyghur “Cultural Genocide”


US-funded Uyghur “Right Org” Hires Advocate FOR Genocide in Xinjiang  

“The US accuses China of “genocide” in its western Xinjiang region. However, China had been reacting to US-sponsored separatism including a years-long campaign of deadly terrorism and militancy. 

So-called “human rights” groups funded by the US government are in fact separatist organizations sponsored by Washington hiding behind the smokescreen of human rights advocacy. 

One, Campaign for Uyghurs, includes members who have openly called for separatism as well as ethnic cleansing against non-Uyghurs.”


BUSTED: BBC “Saving Uyghur Culture” Story Makes HUGE Mistake

“The BBC repeats lies about Xinjiang, China – telling a story of a woman who left her homeland and struggles to keep Uyghur culture alive in the UK. The BBC mentions UNESCO recognition and protection of Uyghur culture – but fails to mention China was the nation who nominated it to be recognized and protected in the first place!” 


Deep Dive: Adrian Zenz & Claims of “Coerced Labor” in Xinjiang China 

“Adrian Zenz is repeatedly cited as an expert on alleged abuses taking place in China’s western region of Xinjiang. More recently, he – along with ASPI – have been used as sources to help justify economic sanctions against companies operating in Xinjiang or employing people from Xinjiang. 

The Western media has repeated what are otherwise baseless claims to pressure companies to stop doing business with companies in China either operating in Xinjiang or employing workers from the region. 

These baseless claims are having a real world impact. To expose these lies, I dissect one of Adrian Zenz’ reports – and one focused on supposed “coercive labor” – exposing how there is literally no evidence at all that coercive labor is taking place in Xinjiang and that Zenz’ own conclusion admits as much.” 


Til oplysning har Brian Berletic på sin Telegram-kanal også en lang række analyser af Ukraine-konflikten.  


Til slut først denne video igen med John Pilger: ‘This is a war of propaganda’: John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange – og så hvilke kriterier, jeg går efter, når jeg skal forsøge at afklare, hvilke kilder / stemmer man kan fæste tillid til. 

I skrivende stund kaster jeg en del af mine æg i Brian Berletics kurv.  



CIA Agent ‘We Pay Mainstream Media To Spread Fake News,’ Shocking Exposé



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