Af Lone Nørgaard.
Der er heldigvis flere og flere, der forsøger at blive klogere på, hvad der foregår blandt de magtfulde globalistiske kræfter og deres målrettede forsøg på verdenskontrol.
En af dem, der leverer kvalitet på næsten daglig basis er Jerm Warfare, der for nylig har interviewet journalisten Lara Logan.
For de travle – se dette klip: The cabal is actually ‘the cult’ – slået op på TR’s GETTR-konto med ordene:
The cabal is actually ‘the cult’.
And it’s linked to the United Nations.
Your kids are dispensable. They are part of their plan.
Ja, Lara Logans udsagn om ’the cabal’ er absolut chokerende.
Og her følger så præsentationen af en ægte journalist, som denne verdens ’presstitutes’ kunne lære en del af:
Lara Logan is a journalist and war correspondent.
Besides being one of the greatest journalists of our time, what makes Lara even more special is that, like me, she is South African. Which, of course, gives me the privilege to laugh at her funny accent.
Her résumé is impressive, from CBS, to 60 Minutes, to FOX; and her decades of war reporting – including Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya – have been both brilliant and brutal. For example, Lara was attacked by a mob, and beaten, and gang-raped, while covering the 2011 revolution in Egypt, yet continues to stand strong and do great journalism in spite of the obvious dangers.
In our conversation, she chatted about
- missing being in South Africa;
- Trump understanding the working class;
- the essence of journalism;
- navigating the fog of war;
- fake news, narratives, and facts;
- being gang-raped and the will to survive; and
- the dangers of the post-Covid world.
Lara’s rape story is the most heart wrenching moment I’ve ever experienced on my podcast. God bless Lara for not giving up, and for being an inspiration.