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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Forleden bragte NewSpeek en kommentar, der satte spørgsmålstegn ved Putin som en reel modstander af Vestens identitetspolitik med woke-kultur, opløsning af alle grænser og institutioner, ikke mindst familien. 

At han måske er en del af The Great Reset & den psykopatiske kults våde drømme om verdenskontrol. På grund af Rusland / Putins støtte til tvangs-injektioner. 

Og så måske alligevel ikke. Jf. følgende tekst (tilsendt desværre uden link), der fortæller en anden historie. 

En anden historie
Röper exposes Waggaman’s Hoax cont’d from above…

Forced vaccinations of soldiers?

In the articles that appeared on tkp or on the Wochenblick portal under the headline “You will not be spared anything – mobilization in Russia: 300,000 recruits will be forcibly vaccinated”, three sources are cited for the alleged compulsory vaccination. 

These sources are regional Russian portals reporting announcements by regional health departments of compulsory vaccinations of mobilized soldiers in the Rostov, Tatarstan and Penza regions.

That alone should make you suspicious, because Russia now consists of 89 regions and either there is compulsory vaccination ordered by the Russian military for soldiers, which would then apply nationwide, or there isn’t. 

Since I have a direct line to the press office of the Russian Ministry of Defense due to my press tours in the Donbass, I asked there about the German media reports without further ado. The answer was clear:

“These are Russian citizens and vaccinations are voluntary in our country”

In Russia there is an old proverb that is still relevant today, it says: “Moscow is far away” and means that in Russia it can happen from time to time that regional officials think they can interpret rules differently than Moscow she pretends. 

So I like to think that – as quoted in the Russian portals – some regional representatives of the health authorities are saying that they would like to compulsorily vaccinate the mobilized soldiers, but the Russian Ministry of Defense sees it differently. 

It is therefore more than questionable whether these announcements will be followed by any action in individual Russian regions, because it is unlikely that the employees of the regional health authorities will even come to the barracks.

In conclusion, we can state that there are no instructions in Russia to compulsorily vaccinate all mobilized soldiers. [min fremhævelse]  

I can’t rule out the possibility that some overzealous officials in some Russian region might try it anyway, but the Ministry of Defense should be against it, because I’m not aware of any serious side effects after vaccination with Sputnik-V, but it happens very often that people feel weak and have a fever for two to three days after being vaccinated with Sputnik-V. 

However, the fresh soldiers should be trained quickly, so it is hardly desirable that many of them start their service by first taking a few days off sick. 


Hvad hvis….
Hvor svært det er at navigere i mediehavet og informationsstrømmen, kan følgende tekst illustrere: 



Hvad er sandheden?
Hvad er sandheden? Jeg ved det ikke. Jeg ved ’bare’, at the Great Reset er i fuld gang, og at det hver dag bliver tydeligere, at befolkningerne skal presses over på Universal Basic Income / digital valuta, der vil gøre os alle totalt afhængige af statsmagten. Hvis nationale regeringer styres i kulissen af en lille håndfuld billionærer og de store organisationer (WHO, FN, NATO, WEF, EU m. fl).  

Denne ’borgerløn’ (UBI) vil selvsagt komme med betingelser for den enkeltes adfærd. Er du en lydig borger, der har taget dine stik og har makket ret, kan du få. Er du ikke, kan du gå – til grunde. 

Jeg ved også, at jeg ikke stemmer ved det kommende folketingsvalg. Ikke én eneste politiker, ikke ét opstillingsberettiget parti adresserer det helt overordnede problem: The Great Reset og corona-bedraget, der har fået sprøjtet gift alias ’vaccinationer’ ind i kroppen.  

Jeg vil ikke være med til at legitimere et teater-demokrati, så jeg kan ikke engang stemme blankt. 

Men hver især må ’vi vågne’ – og som bekendt er de vågne det stik modsatte af woke – finde egen vej i forhold til vores skindemokrati. 

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