Af Lone Nørgaard.
I denne video demonstrerer italienske borgere til minde om de mennesker, der er døde af ’the gene jabs’.
Videoen optræder i artiklen med rubrikken “Italy Holds ‘March of the Vaccine Dead’ To Remember Those Killed By The COVID-19 Vaccine” og følgende intro:
“The COVID World post date: November 30th, 2021
Last weekend, a group numbering in the hundreds staged a mourning march in Parma, Italy to commemorate those who have died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. The marchers held up pictures of the dead as they moved in solemn procession through central Parma, chanting the names of those lost to the experimental vaccines.
This kind of vigil seems to be spreading across the world. On November 20th, relatives of the vaccine dead held a vigil in South Korea where they shaved their heads in mourning for their lost loved ones and begged for answers from government officials.
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