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Af Lone Nørgaard.

Mandag d. 13. maj bragte NewSpeek en artikel af Flemming Blicher, der satte mange brikker på plads i den globalistiske mafias planer med os ’useless lotuseaters’. Og hvem de er.

I dag følger NewSpeek op med et link tilsendt på Telegram:   

Leadership of the Global Mafia (What They’re Scheming)

I begyndelsen tænkte jeg, at der vist ikke rigtigt var noget nyt at hente, men som tiden og tråden skred frem og frem og frem og frem…..  gik det op for mig, at der helt bestemt var friske boller på suppen. Eller rettere sagt en lind strøm af stinkende, rådne og mugne boller.

For første gang de seneste fire år, siden jeg vågnede op til realiteterne i forbindelse med lockdown 2020, ser jeg i form af billeder og tekst tilsyneladende præcist HVEM og HVOR ALT FOR MANGE, der står bag den globalistiske sataniske dagsorden.

Og hvor mange billioner, disse ganske få tusinde mennesker ejer til at trække i trådene i form af at bestikke, true, købe, manipulere, chikanere, udgrænse, uskadeliggøre og likvidere deres modstandere. I princippet størstedelen af klodens befolkninger, inklusiv nationale regeringer. Demokrati, min bare!

Tag en dyb indånding og evt. en cognac inden hovedspringet ned i sumpen.

Føj for den lede, siger jeg bare. Og slet ikke mere overraskende er, at også den danske kongefamilie er dybt indfedtet i billionær-moradset.


En følger har gennemlæst /-set artiklen, og efter hans opfattelse er følgende at regne som highlights. Jeg har fremhævet nogle af de vigtigste ’forbindelser’. Men døm selv!

Vladimir Putin and Prince Albert who is a Knight of Malta are very close friends. Monaco is also used for tax evasion and likely uses forms of private banking….

Vladimir Putin with his close friend Prince Albert II of Monaco. Putin and Prince Albert can be seen together many times over the past decade. Putin was knighted by Prince Albert II and the Russian Mafia have a major headquarters in Monte Carlo with the Sicilian Mafia. The royals of Monaco or House of Grimaldi originated in Genoa which ruled the Black Sea region including Ghazaria which had major influence over trade in Russia. Genoa and Russia and the Grimaldis and Romanovs have worked together for centuries….

The Gaetanis, Agnelli-Elkanns, Brandolinis, and Rothschilds have an alliance through marriages and business. The Rothschilds pretend to be the head of the NWO and finance propagandists to claim they are worth 500 trillion. The Rothschilds are overall employees of the royals and Black Nobility which have more power and wealth than the Rothschilds….

Charles Schwab is worth 8 billion and his banking corporation manages over 3 trillion in assets. Charles Schwab is an agent of the Wittelsbachs, Badens, and Wurttembergs. The name Schwab derives from Swabia, Germany which is now parts of Bavaria, Baden, and Wurttemberg….

Prince Karel Schwarzenberg is a top manager of modern Nazism, Black Sun Society, Skull and Bones, and the Tavistock Institute as well as a manager of the Soros family, BlackRock, Blackstone, and Apollo Global Management founded by Leon Black. Schwarz means Black. The Schwarzenbergs are Roman Catholics and Vatican knights. They are loyal to and married with the Black Nobility of Rome which take their name from the Black Sea….

Prince Michael Windsor of Kent the Grand Master of the Mark Master Masons with his wife Princess Marie-Christine Windsor of Kent whose father Baron Gunther von Reibnitz was a Nazi and German noble. Princess Marie-Christine is also connected with the Black Nobility and she is one of the highest level Amazon-Witches on the planet and involved with child sacrifice…. 

Galveston crime family, Pittsburg crime family and a part owner of various factions of the New York crime families like the Genoveses as well as a high level authority over the Bank for International Settlements.
The Torlonias are the private bankers in Rome and they own Banca del Fucino with the Borghese family. Banca del Fucino is also currently in banking contracts with the Rothschilds and it launders criminal profits of the mafia for the Black Nobility.
The Torlonias operated as the mediators between the Rothschild’s loans to the Vatican. The Torlonias are also married with the royal families of Luxembourg and Spain….

Prince Lorenzo Borghese is a high level member of the Black Nobility and he oversees their public relations. Prince Lorenzo was on the American show The Bachelor and he works in the cosmetics industry. The Borgheses are powerful bankers that have residences in Switzerland, Spain, Rome, Sicily, and the United States. The Borgheses founded the Bank of the Holy Spirit in 1605 which eventually merged with Capitalia and then with UniCredit. The Borgheses are part owners of UniCredit a major Italian and European bank….

Berlusconi is a criminal associate of the Sicilian Mafia and he is an agent of the House of Savoy and Black Nobility and specifically the Viscontis and Sforzas…..

The French Rothschilds have a close alliance with the Black Nobility and Italian nobles. The French Rothschilds are currently married with the Roman Aldobrandinis which previously merged their current branch with the Borgheses….

Prince Camillo Aldobrandini is the uncle of Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini the wife of Baron David Rene de Rothschild. The Jewish Rothschilds have a close alliance with the Roman Catholic Black Nobility….

The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is located at the Palazzo Della Rovere. During WWII Prince Ludovico Chigi was the Grand Master of the SMOM and it was Black Nobility and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta that engineered WWII on all sides. The Chigis have six hexagrams on their coat of arms which is a symbol for Saturn, also the symbol for Khazaria, and the symbol for Zionism and the hexagram is on the flag of Israel….

Jacob Frenkel is Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International, he is a member of the Trilateral Commission, the former Governor of the Bank of Israel, and he is Chairman of the Board of Trustees for the Group of Thirty an international group of criminal financiers and economists. Frenkel is a knight of Italy and was awarded the Order of Merit in the rank of Cavaliere di Gran Croce decoration from the Republic of Italy. Frenkel is also a board member for the Aspen Institute Italia and The Council for the US and Italy. Frenkel is an Israeli banker serving the Black Nobility of Italy….

The Orsinis have a rose on their coat of arms and they are top architects of Alchemy which is chemical witchcraft. The Orsinis are a major bloodline of the Black Nobility and they produced popes, dozens of cardinals and bishops and they have been major landowners with dozens of titles of lords, barons, and princes….

Baron Jacob Rothschild whose family are worth at least tens of billions and they have been criminally funneling trillions through their banks for the royals of England and France as well as the Black Nobility. Jacob Rothschild’s daughter is married to the Italian Tomassini noble family….

The Black Nobility including the Theodolis used their control over the Bank of Italy to seize Libyan bank accounts and then extorted them for gold in order to unfreeze their accounts. The Bank of Italy is believed to be the third largest gold owner in the world….

Agustin Carstens if the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements and he was educated in Chicago and is a Mexican banker who works as an agent for the Spanish Bourbons and Roman Black Nobility. Mario Draghi, Fabio Panetta, and Ignazio Visco are all Italian bankers connected with Rome who also work as top directors at the Bank for International Settlements.
The Bank for International Settlement is the largest criminal bank on the planet and it extorts governments, finances organized crime, finances wars, finances gang stalking, and it finances human trafficking…..

The Fertitta family are worth between 7-9 billion and they work for the Black Nobility including the Sforza-Cesarinis, Boncompagni-Ludovisis, Torlonias, Borgheses, and Massimos….

Jay Rockefeller is a high level political authority in the United States and a top manager in New York City as well as a financier of black street gangs like the Almighty Vice Lord Nation. The Rockefeller Foundation literally financed the street gang the Almighty Vice Lord Nation with a grant….

David Rockefeller Jr. is a financier of criminal organizations like the Group of Thirty, Tavistock Institute, and gang stalking operations through his Rockefeller charity racket. The Rockefeller Foundation literally financed the Group of Thirty an international group of bankers and the Rockefellers also financed the Tavistock Institute a British Intelligence and psychological warfare organization that now pretends to be about social science and psychology. It is completely absurd that a military psychological warfare organization now poses as a social science organization…. [læs også her og her]

Prince Albert von Thurn and Taxis is worth about 1 billion and he is a military commander of gang stalkers and a financier of blood trafficking. The Thurn and Taxis family ran the largest postal company in Europe for centuries and they used their postal company for espionage. The Thurn and Taxis family are related to the Torre and Tasso family of Venice and Italy which are agents of the Savoys and also the Massimos who ran the Vatican postal network and are married with the Gabrielli-Falconeri family which ran a messaging network through Falcons….

Stephen Schwarzman is the owner of Blackstone and he is worth about 13 billion. Schwarzman is also a member of Yale’s Skull and Bones and he also financed the creation of BlackRock the largest investment management company in the world. Schwarzman is a financial advisor to Donald Trump and an agent of the House of Schwarzenberg. Schwarzman has a residence at 740 Park Avenue which is a primary headquarters for criminal financiers like Woody Johnson, Steven Mnuchin, and David Koch. It appears that 740 Park Avenue has underground mafia built tunnels used for human trafficking. The Del Balsos were an old Italian mafia construction dynasty that built much of New York’s infrastructure and they also resided at 740 Park Avenue…

George Soros is worth about 8 billion and his family owns Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundations racket. George Soros a Hungarian Jew was originally born George Schwartz and he admitted to working with the Nazis and confiscating property from other Jews during WWII. The Soros family are involved with financing Nazi style gang stalking, human trafficking to Wiccan covens, and financing criminal political organizations used to disrupt societies around the world like Black Lives Matter. The name Schwartz means Black. Prince Karel Schwarzenberg has stated that he has known George Soros for 30 years. The Soros family are agents of the Austrian Schwarzenbergs and the Austrian-Hungarian Pallavicinis….

Archduke Karl von Habsburg is a top authority over various Holy Roman bloodlines, Zionism and Israel as a claimant to the title of King of Jerusalem. The Habsburgs are part owners of the Jewish Mafia and various Eastern European mafias. The Newhouse family are Jewish billionaires who migrated from the Austrian Empire to the United States and they own Advance Publications and own 13% of Charter Communications a major mass media company. The Habsburgs have been the most dominant royal and imperial house in Europe and they ruled Austria, Eastern Europe, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and Mexico. The Habsburgs still own several banks in Switzerland and they have Ghazarian mobsters running banks in Crimea, Eastern Europe, Russia, and Israel….

Petr Aven with Mikhail Fridman are Russian-Ukrainian billionaires that work for the Habsburgs. They also work with the Russian-Ukranian billionaire German Khan and together the three of them founded Alfa Group and its subsidiary Alfa Bank a large Russian and Ukrainian bank. Aven, Khan, and Fridman are collectively worth about 30 billion. Mikhail Fridman is also an Israeli citizen. The Habsburgs were the last monarchs to rule Ukraine. Crimea is a major criminal headquarters in the region for the Ghazarian or Khazarian Mafia….

P.S. Klaus Schwab er ikke inkluderet i artiklen.  (følger slut)


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