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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Her kommer en opfølgning på artiklen HVAD SKETE DER EGENTLIGT MED HUNTER BIDENS LAPTOP? – NewSpeek

New Biden Secret Documents Discoveries and Media’s Failure to Defend Him Can Mean Only One Thing | Truth Over News


”I weekenden dukkede nye hemmelige dokumenter op i præsident Joe Bidens hus i Delaware. Det samlede antal gemmer af stjålne klassificerede dokumenter, der nu er dukket op i Bidens besiddelse, er tre og tæller.

Mens det oprindelige fokus for Bidens dokumentskandale var på Bidens Washington, DC, kontor betalt af det Kina-sponsorerede University of Pennsylvania , har vi nu afsløret yderligere detaljer, der sætter skandalen i et helt nyt lys.

Biden stjal dokumenter, men det er næsten en sidebemærkning i denne historie – en historie, der nu involverer Hunter Biden , løgne fra Det Hvide Hus podiet og en Obama-advokat, der er involveret i en plan, der går direkte til 2024-præsidentkapløbet .” 


Joe Rogan On Biden: “They’re Trying To Get Rid Of Him”      


“Speculation that Biden’s own team is trying to sabotage him correlates with previous indications that prominent Democrats fear Biden will get crushed if he tries to run for president again……” 

“According to Dick Morris, former top advisor to Bill Clinton, the Democratic establishment knows “that Biden can’t run again in 2024” due to his “quickly declining mental abilities” and the economic disaster he had presided over.” 



GLENN BECK | Bill O’Reilly: THIS story is WORSE for Biden than his documents


“It’s been a tough 13 days of the new year for President Biden, especially now with the ‘recently discovered’ classified documents found in the garage of his Delaware home. But there’s another story that is even WORSE for Biden than that one, says Bill O’Reilly. He joins Glenn to discuss not only the secret documents, but the president’s recent appearance in Mexico, too. While there, Biden — once again — refused to CALL OUT Mexico for the way it continues to endanger America, thanks to its immigration & drug cartel CHAOS.

So, with its refusal to speak truth about the issue, is our federal government essentially IN BED with the ‘bad guys’…?”       



Biden skriver under på ‘Declaration of North America (DNA)’ med Canada og Mexico: Er den planlagte North American Union på vej tilbage? 



Biden meets with Trudeau, Lopez Obrador at North American Leaders’ Summit (aa.com.tr)


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