Af Lone Nørgaard.
Det er superærgerligt, at vi ikke har overskud til at oversætte hverken denne video med Geert Vanden Bossche eller artiklen Why should current Covid-19 vaccines not be used for mass vaccination during a pandemic? (læs introen her:)
Prophylactic vaccines are for use in…a conventional prophylactic setting, NOT in a pandemic setting
• Prophylactic vaccines should be administered before infectious exposure
– ensure full-fledged protection
– prevent exacerbation of disease (cfr. Ebola – ring vaccination)
– prevent immune escape and hence, enhanced infectiousness or even, resistance to the vaccine
• Several cases of severe disease due to highly infectious variants have already occurred in young, previously healthy people
• Several cases of fully Covid-19 vaccinated people shedding highly infectious variants have already been reported (some of which have even developed mild symptoms)
Aren’t these cases compelling enough to demonstrate how easily Covid-19 viruses can escape host immunity?
General Rule: Virus replication on background of suboptimal immune response enables immune escape of highly mutable viruses.
Det er svært stof, men der er altså en mulighed for de rimeligt engelskyndige til at blive klogere på både de såkaldte vacciner og corona.