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Af Lone Nørgaard & Peter Jørgensen. 

I denne artikel bliver der stillet skarpt på nødvendigheden af Covid-vacciner, deres effektivitet og sikkerhed.   

I ABSTRACTet står at læse:

COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them.

In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe. [NewSpeeks fremhævelse]

Med andre ord: Skal vi så se at få skudt ’vaccine’-eksperimentet først til hjørne og siden helt ud af banen! 


Denne video under overskriften “Chinese virus vaccine produces ‘toxic’ effects, British researchers call on govt. to halt use immediately” når nogen lunde til samme resultat. 

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