Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Pfizer Pushes for 4th Shot, Says 3 Doses ‘Not That Good’ Against Infections (videoklip 1 min.).
WEF & Klaus Schwab’s Harari – Humans are Hackable Animals – Free Will Is Over [VIDEO]
Situation Update Mar 17, 2022 – COUNTDOWN to collapse of the petrodollar
Det pågår redan ett tredje världskrig
Doc-TV International: This is how the spike protein can disturb the menstrual cycle
Anti-Russia? Then arrest the Clintons
Pfizer and Acuitas Have Partnered Together to Release Up to 10 More Gene Therapy Products
ACH (1716) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The Great Reset And The Great Resistance
Riccardo Bosi on the situation in Ukraine
Stop World Control
Presearch Search Engine – #SolutionsWatch
Ny fascist-sag: Mads Palsvig dømt skyldig i ulovlig ytring
Fået følgende tilsendt:
The inventor of the Covid PCR-test, Christian Drosten, made this remarkable statement
“You have to realize that in many countries, we wouldn’t even know that this virus existed if we didn’t test for it.”
Further achievements that he has accomplished are:
👉🏻 Creating that specific PCR test before the outbreak of the “pandemic”
👉🏻 Getting his PCR paper through peer review within 24h (
👉🏻 Denying viral seasonality three years in a row (
👉🏻 Making contradictory statements about masks (
👉🏻 Predicted piles of corpses on African streets (
👉🏻 Calling renowned dissidents “pseudoscientists” (
👉🏻 Getting funds from the Gates Foundation and having his professorship sponsored from Nazi-money (Quandt Family)
Good job, Christian!
Dr. Simon (click and join (!)
What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not really vaccines?
Presearch Search Engine – #SolutionsWatch
Paul Craig Roberts: Det tredje världskriget har börjat (Artikel fra 2016 oversat til svensk)
Fra Covid-19 til Putin-22: Hvem trenger venner med fiender som disse?
John Mearsheimer – What Should Ukraine Do & Is Russia Losing The War Due To Economic Sanctions
John Mearsheimer Ukraine-Russia 2022 Analysis
En tidligere bragt video fra 2015
Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer
Putin, the Deep State and the New World Order in Ukraine War
Nancy Pelosi Is Covering Up Her Involvement In Jan. 6th Violence
Kunde og forbruger under Covid-19-pandemien
Dr. Peter McCullough: Findings From Early COVID-19 Vaccine Studies Potentially Alarming
Da Klaus Schwab erhvervede Ida Auken
Episode 2: COVID Cover Up: Deaths & Dangers of the COVID Vaccines
Tilsendt af en følger med denne kommentar:
I USA kalder man venstreorienterede for blå, og konservative for røde. Og GOP er en forkortelse for good old party (republikanerne). Hver stat har sin helt egen komplette regering med kongres og regent (guvernør), så det er interessant at se hvordan stater med regeringer med forskellig ideologi her har klaret sig igennem coronatpandemien. Er det dem, der tror på, at det bedste er at give befolkningen frihed til at styre deres eget liv, der klarer sig bedst, eller er det de stater, som er ledet af en kollektivistisk tankegang?
Red States Beating Out Blue States in Economic Recovery
Klaus Schwab & Hunter Biden Connected To Ukraine Bio-Labs
Saudi Arabia considers ditching the dollar for Chinese oil sales