Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Dansk ph.d. i mikrobiologi smadrer evidensgrundlaget for covid-19-vaccinerne
(NewSpeek er blevet gjort opmærksom på denne side af en følger)
‘Obscene’ COVID Policies Serve Big Pharma Not People, Experts Say
Full news conference: River Oaks doctor suspended from Houston Methodist over views on COVID-19 …
South African doctor who discovered Omicron: “European politicians wanted me to say this is a serious, serious, serious disease”
“At some point, I said that in South Africa, Omicron is a mild disease. But it is a serious, serious, serious illness in Europe because politicians wanted me to say it.”
Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist
Vi har ikke vundet krigen, selvom alle restriktioner bliver fjernet
Kees Van Der Pijl: The Virus Crisis is a Fraud & Cover for a Global Political Seizure of Power
Kræver det ekspertise at være ekspert i mediernes øjne?
Canadian truckers. THANK YOU. You are a warrior army
CDC Announces Changes to the Definition of “Fully Vaccinated”
Folkhälsomyndigheten: Barn under tolv rekommenderas inte covidvaccin
Journalist ifrågasätter om Folkhälsomyndigheten manipulerar med statistikken
Are Hospitals Killing People For Money and Following Evil Guidelines?
In Every Country Worldwide; The More You Vaccinate, The Greater The Infection Rate January 24, 2022
Implicitly Biased Judges Waking Up to COVID Madness: Super Lawyer Tom Renz
How COVID Vaccines Suppress the Immune System
RFK, Jr.’s Historic Speech at Lincoln Memorial — Democracy in an Era of Intrusive Technologies
MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL
It is scandalous that thousands of professors, doctors and experts were effectively silenced during the pandemic, and at the same time we hear and read nonsense about the pandemic every day by a person who became famous by assembling computers in his garage.