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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

UGE 42

NewSpeek lægger indlæg op 2-3 gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.

I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene).

Vælg, læs, lyt og døm selv!


**** Mistakes Were NOT Made (Video: Dr. Mike Yeadon)

Skriv under – bl.a. med afsæt i at fitness-kæden PureGym tilbyder ‘vaccinationer’



**** Daniel Sachs and the Radical Centre

One of the top-level players in the global progressive establishment has just handed National leaders their marching orders. Now you know their game plan. What will you do about it?


The Great Reset på 5 minutter


Digital ID: The Foundation for Technocracy


David Icke Exposes the Mainstream Alternative Media [MAM], the Zionist Lobby, & Jesse Ventura  (med MAM henvises til bl.a. Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Bret Weinsten og Jordan Peterson) 




The Real Reason to be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence


Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda


Reject the Amendments to the IHR


Andrew Bridgen



‘I 2020 rekrutterede FN ikke færre end 110.000 såkaldte “digital first responders”. Disse mennesker har én mission: at miskreditere alle, der angiveligt spreder “fake news”.

Og de falske nyheder defineres som “alt, hvad der går imod FN’s ideologi”. Og det er ikke kun FN, der rekrutterer sådanne samarbejdspartnere. Næsten alle større globale institutioner gør det.

Hver dag har hundredtusindvis af mennesker travlt på internettet med at forsøge at påvirke din mening ved kunstigt at fremstille visse meninger som populære og “rigtige” og andre som forkastelige og forkerte.’

– Psykologiprofessor og statistiker, Mattias Desmet, 2024  [klip fra Ex-chef for Pfizer: Den officielle fortælling om ‘Covid’ er fiktiv (]


Japan Warns Bill Gates


Michael Bryant on the Spanish flu myth

The Spanish flu was a global pandemic that occurred in 1918-1919, caused by an H1N1 influenza virus. It spread quickly and infected about a third of the world’s population, leading to millions of deaths. The virus was especially deadly because it affected healthy young adults, not just the elderly or sick.

Except, well, that isn’t true.   

The official story is bunk.


“The flu was a man-made disaster. It was not the germs that killed, but the vaccines and suppressive drugs administered by the authorities.” [min fremhævelse – LN]

Eleanor McBean, author of The Poisoned Needle

[Der er kun adgang for betalende i skrivende stund, men Jerm plejer at åbne for alle efter cirka en måneds tid]


Compelling evidence that excessive synthetic foreign DNA encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles


Vil Slovakia forby mRNA-«vaksiner»?


Dette foto vil i en rum tid optræde fast i Blandede Bolsjer:



UK to offer weight-loss jabs to unemployed with weight issues in economy boost


Cancer Researcher Drops Ivermectin Bombshell


“Question Everything” (Except That Thing)  (nu tilhører tilsyneladende også “The Daily Sceptic” & “Brownstone” de alternative MAINSTREAM Medier 🙁

Mike Yeadon har denne kommentar:

“Kudos to the authors for showing that the attempt to get more eyeballs on the “Was there even a pandemic at all?” and “Was there really a novel pathogen?” are all blocked, even by alternative media outlets which claim to be on the side of freedom and against the oppressors.

I would have placed a strong bet on the reactions that their enquiry triggered.

That’s because they’re both working FOR the perpetrators, whether knowingly or not, I couldn’t say.

Toby Young refused to accept for publication a piece I wrote at the end of 2020, when I had become clear to me that the “PCR testing system” could never be accurate. I speculated that the reason all testing was taken out of publicly funded pathology labs attached to NHS hospitals & into purpose-built, new facilities, called “Lighthouse Labs”, was so that private money interests alone would have full control of “the numbers” from here on in.

Note that this happened in summer 2020. Even theoretically, accepting what I now know to be wholly lies, there’s no way that more testing would be need upon the arrival of “the next wave”.

Why go to all this trouble, removing quality assurance from many, highly experienced lab staff, whose job it was and remains to run & interpret the tests that are run when your doctor says “I’d like to run a few tests”. These lab base staff are also accredited, which the much larger labs never were.

The nature of Mr Young’s response prompted me to discontinue reading or contributing to the Daily Sceptic.

He knew of my career and training because it had featured in several previous pieces he’d published. Had he been an honest broker, he couldn’t help being interested in my most recent deductions. His dismissal without detailed reasons confirmed my suspicions.

I have no history with Brownstone. After a while, you develop a keen nose for narrative management and I have accordingly not bothered reading their publications. This is what happens when the audience loses trust in your platform.”



ISRAELS SECRET WEAPON, THE TALPIOT PROGRAM – “HOW ISRAEL RULES”  (NB! Et år gammel, jf. også her  – på dansk


Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza (   

“In an exclusive new documentary, Max Blumenthal rips the cover off the media deceptions and atrocity hoaxes Israel pushed after October 7

to create political space for its gruesome assault on the Gaza Strip. Blumenthal exposes the US mainstream media’s role as a megaphone for the Israeli government, introducing new hoaxes even after their initial lies were debunked.

Atrocity Inc raises serious questions about the official narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel’s army has consciously engaged in the same hideous atrocities

which it falsely accused Palestinian militants of committing.”      [tekst fra nyhedsmail fra The Grayzone]


Betydningen av 7. oktober –

Den enkle og usminkede sannheten er at du ikke kan holde 2,2 millioner mennesker innesperret i et siste-dagers indianerreservat i 17 år, kontrollere deres tilgang til elektrisitet, rent drikkevann og alle livets nødvendigheter, samtidig som du nekter dem bevegelsesfrihet, verdighet, håp og en fremtid. Nei, du kan ikke gjøre alt dette og ikke forvente motstand. Det er i denne konteksten Operasjon Al-Aqsa-flommen, som ble lansert av palestinere i Gaza for ett år siden i dag, må forstås. Ingen stygg undertrykkelse har noen gang gitt opphav til en pen motstand. Historien levner ingen tvil om det.


Norman Finkelstein: October 7th Revisited | Israel, Palestine, Hezbollah, & The End of Gaza


Demonic Jew Goyicide via Lethal Injections, Harpicanes, Floods and DEW Fires




‘Persecution in Prison’ by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich – The Expose (  

”En af betjentene gennemsøger min krop og tvinger mig derefter til at knæle på en skammel, som han gør hver gang, mens han lægger lænker på mig.

Han binder et bredt læderbælte om min talje og sætter derefter håndjern på mig, som er fastgjort til bæltet med kæder, som igen er fastgjort med en stor hængelås.

Ankellænkerne tvinger mig til at tage meget små skridt, hvilket gør det svært at komme ind og ud af transportkøretøjet.”

Om Reiner Fuellmich (kun for Telegram-brugere)


Fear and Loathing in New Normal Germany – CJ Hopkins (   

”Hvis du aldrig har været omgivet af flokke af tyskere med medicinsk maske, der stirrer på dig med sydende, fuldstændig isnende had … Nå, lad mig forsikre dig om, at det er noget af en oplevelse. Jeg oplevede det dagligt i over to år.

Jeg oplevede det igen i Das Kammergericht, hvor min frifindelse tilbage i januar blev summarisk omstødt efter insisteren fra anklagemyndigheden i Berlin.

Ja, det kan de gøre i New Normal Germany.”

”Under alle omstændigheder dryppede atmosfæren i Das Kammergerichts sal 145a af skinhellig, fascistisk autoritet.

Det var klart fra starten, at panelet med tre dommere var der for at give en “covid-benægter” en lektie og minde den tyske offentlighed om, hvad der sker, når man bryder reglerne i New Normal Germany.” (PC-oversættelse)



I Used To Be Toxic. Drunk, High and Miserable. This Is How I Turned My Life Around….


The Politics of Disobedience: Just Say NO to REAL ID Before October 15, 2024


**** BEYOND THE RESET – Animated Short Film


”Skolan sprider propaganda istället för kunskap!”  (let forståeligt svensk)


How does a child survive pedophilia, being tortured and experimented upon?


Larken Rose Interview – The Illusion Of Authority & The Collapse Of The Two Party Paradigm



Forening mod tvungen brug af MitID 

MitId Sag Update

Sidst der blev holdt et møde om MitId retssagen, var der fuldt hus på omkring 50.

Der bliver afholdt et nyt møde mandag d. 28 oktober kl.16:30-17:30.

Opdatering og Q & A om gruppesøgsmålet mod bankerne for tvungen brug af MitID Mødet bliver ikke optaget. Mulighed for at deltage via zoom:



Slovak Government Report Calls for Ban of ‘Dangerous’ mRNA Vaccines, and so does a city in Western Australia


John Coleman, The Committee of 300  (en af de bøger, der har betydet allermest på min erkendelsesrejse, ligger nu som gratis pdf.fil).

Snaphanen har i den forbindelse dette opslag We, the useless eaters”











































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