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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

UGE 20

NewSpeek lægger indlæg op 2-3 gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.

I BLANDEDE BOLSJER forsøger vi at sætte op tematisk og markerer særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!).

Læs, lyt og døm selv!



Øget masseovervågning af danske bilister


**** Dr. John Coleman- The Committee of 300 (1994) Full

(Coleman har tidligere  været bragt på NewSpeek)



“You are not allowed to think for yourself, peasant”, says the Blob.




Weapons of Mass Migration  (fra Snaphanen)




**** The Mass Numbers of Illegal Migrants that are pouring into our respective countries are in fact UN soldiers   


**** How The Club of Rome imposes its will on the world – NWO 


Hva vi ikke visste om Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus– WHOs generalsekretær – Foreningen for Fritt Vaksinevalg  7. feb 2024

De følgende lett redigerte «Tedros-filene» er hentet fra den tyske informasjonsplattformen «Fassadenkratzer».

Den setter et skarpt søkelys på Ghebreyesus’ politiske biografi og søker å avdekke faktorene som muliggjorde hans nærmest meteoriske karriere i WHO.

De gravende journalister bak denne dokumentasjonen bringer frem i lyset til dels sjokkerende kjensgjerninger, som hvis de stemmer, allerede i utgangspunktet burde ha diskvalifisert mannen fra enhver ledende stilling i en internasjonal organisasjon.

De tegner et bilde av en person vi i normale sosiale sammenhenger ville vende oss bort fra i avsky.  Men saken forties konsekvent i massestrømsmedia…….


Climate Crisis’ is Just a Pretext to Steal Land, Implement Globalist Agenda: Eva Vlaardingerbroek







Abolish th WHO

Hvis man minder Mads Kastrup om, hvad han skrev:

så bliver man blokeret


Paul Weston: Covid Britain’s Dr Mengeles’   




Scottish COVID-19 inquiry|feature length highlights reel  – med denne kommentar af

Mike Yeadon:

The second video is free of music.

This is appalling and distressing testimony given to the Scottish enquiry. This is receiving NO MEDIA COVERAGE AT ALL.

The Nazi doctors’ treatment of the vulnerable in care homes & children’s homes sound very similar. There will be a reason why this is. I am hearing testimony of steady, intentional murder.

PLEASE SHARE. This is what they’ll do next time. And there will be a next time.

A further comment. It will be said that the care staff & hospital medical staff “were only following orders”. That defence of inhuman treatment is as valid as the last time you heard it. Worse, there’s a sense often that those in authority over the dying were over officious in ways that smacks of even enjoying the authoritarianism that “enforcing the rules” granted them. You can all think of modifications to rule adherence that could have resulted in different basic treatment of people & probably different outcomes in some cases.

We must face this tendency in we human beings to behave like this. We become like beasts to others. The irony is that it’ll also happen to those behaving very badly in due course.

It’s also a reminder to keep the hell away from “medical” or “care” staff when you’re very vulnerable. Because these people are not our friends. (min fremhævning – LN)

It remains my strong ambition to have nothing to do with any of them for anything medical apart from acute trauma (like a motorcycle accident).


Storbritannia nekter å undertegne WHOs pandemiavtale


Liz Gunn

Liz Gunn advarer New Zealands befolkning om, hvordan landet bevæger sig ”on a slippery slope” mod kommunisme og totalitarisme .

Hun beder af hele sit hjerte om hjælp og støtte til det hum kæmper for på Barry Youngs og egne vegne og i sidste ende for alle New Zealændere.

Videoen fra 17. april 2024 er en sørgelig fortsættelse af afsløringen af det Barry Young bemærkede i forbindelse med det statistiske materiale, han havde adgang til – nemlig en signifikant stigning i dødsfald i NewZealand efter udrulning af Covid”vaccinen”.  Liz Gunn jurist og politiker bistod og støttede ham.

Newspeek havde disse indlæg d. 8. dec 2023.

’Vacciner’ & biovåben

**** M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)  *)

“Tallene viser, de begår massemord” 

BREAKING: Emergency video from Liz Gunn about the situation in New Zealand.

Andrew Bridgen, Liz Gunn, Barry Young Discuss The New Zealand M.O.A.R. Covid-19 Vaccine Data Set 

Quick Update from New Zealand

*) M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)  

Denne video, hvor Barry Young fortæller Liz Gunn om hvad, hvordan og hvorfor, er censureret flere steder.

Exposing Vax Genocide. Free New Zealand Media – M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations) ( 


Reese Report | Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech


R. NAOMI WOLF | Alarming Truth… What is the Vaccine Doing to Reproduction, Fertility, and Babies??



Gaza – det nye Dubai 


Gaza is the world’s first “15 Minute City”



MICIMATT: The Coming Collapse of Ukraine



Orgonite Oasis Event – 2024 – 


They took the piss out of us


We Must Maintain Balance, Strength, and Empathy During the Days Ahead


Disse tre politisk-psykologiske teorier er vigtige at forstå 

Sådan kan man besætte et land uden at bruge vold  (en klar analyse på dansk)


**** HOW YOU WERE DECEIVED  (jeg kan ikke nok anbefale Frances Leaders Substack-tråd. Det var hende, der åbnede mine øjne for the Black Nobility alias de reelle globalistiske magthavere. Som 72-årig satser hun hele butikken – i modsætning til en række tidligere allierede og sandhedssøgere, der har fået kolde fødder.   

Men hvordan ville jeg selv reagere, hvis min familie blev truet på livet?







According to this announcement, anyone who took it can’t understand the announcement anyway. Well played from that perspective. Design a product that causes brain damage so that when you admit that it causes brain damage on the news, anyone who took it has brain damage and won’t understand that it causes brain damage because they all have brain damage. As business plans go, it’s well thought out (






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