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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

NewSpeek lægger indlæg op tre gange om ugen og udsender nyhedsbrev ca. hver 14. dag.

BLANDEDE BOLSJER udvides, således at links, der tidligere ville have fået et selvstændigt opslag, vil være at finde her.

NewSpeek forsøger at samle ’perlerne’ – herunder også særligt udvalgte indlæg fra blogs på dansk. Jeg følger først og fremmest Snaphanen, Flemming Blicher, Peer Brændgaard, Velstandspartiets Lene Bang og ChaosNavigator).   

Vi forsøger at sætte op tematisk og har markeret særligt vigtige links med **** foran. (Du behøver ikke at være enig i valgene!)

Her er, hvad vi har samlet i denne omgang. Læs, lyt og døm selv!



A terrifying prediction for 2030 (the Great Reset)


Dr. David Martin: The Next Terror Campaign on the World Is Already Being Planned


Leaked German War Plans Reveal ‘WWIII’ Potential; NATO Begins War Drills | Live With Josh


David Icke at the James Delingpole Podcast – live


WHO Executive Board 22-27 January 2024 

Comments by Mike Yeadon:

“2024 is an important year for WHO. The UK looks forward to a successful Investment Round underpinned by a new General Programme of Work (GPW) that sets out clearly WHO’s priorities. WHO’s unique added value in the global health architecture will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs, taking a gender-responsive approach”.

Means we’ve sold you down the river to the UN2030 sustainable development goals, which imply things like no private transportation, little meat, very few new clothes, no “fossil fuel” heating and rare, if any, short haul flights. That’s imprisonment.

“The UK underlines our commitment to agreement of a new Pandemic Accord and targeted amendments of the International Health Regulations, which together ensure our preparedness for future health threats with stronger prevention, and response, whilst respecting national sovereignty”.

Signing up to the IHR effectively makes Tedros “World King”, or rather, his financial backers, like Gates, will hold the power to lock us down for no reason and prescribe mass poisoning via mRNA injections that definitely won’t be vaccines. Failure to comply would precipitate as best a civil war & at worst, a form of martial law.

“The UK welcomes this week’s focus on climate and health. At COP28, leaders noted that climate change is now a health crisis, as you have said many times DG. One we can only face collectively with WHO playing a key role”.

What can I say? It’s a pack of lies.

It’s little more than a page. Please don’t let them get away with it. Show to everyone who’ll listen. We’re going to need all the peaceful but irresistible opposition to this nonsense.


**** NATO Preps New Cold War Exercise –




Hela förband ordervägrar i Ukraina, Volvo Cars kräftgång och fria medier pekas ut som hot av WEF i Omvärldsanalys 77




BREAKING: WHO’s Dr. Tedros says new global pandemic is matter of ‘when’ not ‘if’ at 2024 Davos summit 


Who Represents US at the WHO?


Strange Hill to Die on?




I told you COVID, or whatever this is or was




Sådan så frivilligt informeret samtykke ud i 2021



Dr. Rashid Buttar DIES SUDDENLY: Anti-Vaxx Doctor Claims POISONING Days Before Mysterious DEATH 


**** NEUROHACKING EXPOSED! Dr. Michael Nehls reveals how the global mind manipulation psyop works



ICJ LIVE: South Africa accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza


David Icke On The Sabbatean Frankist CULT





DR Carol Rosin ‘The Extra-Terrestrial Threat’ ET UFO UAV




Her er linket til bogen.


CellSonic  (også jeg kan anbefale behandlingen)


Tidsvilde og Blicher tager på foredragstur rundt i landet

Inviter dine venner til at følge med i Illusionen om Danmark


Romania’s most famous football team, Steaua Bucharest, announce a ban on VACCINATED players, because their madcap owner says that athletes ‘lose strength’ – and claims those that are jabbed die in hospitals


Orgonite Oasis bliver en månedlig event fra i 2024 i Valby.

23. marts
20. april
24. maj
21. juni
20. juli
17. august
14. september
18. oktober
16. november
14. december     


Schwab’s WEF Elimination of all Elections 

Nederst er er der 19 sekunder med Damon Imani


The Greater Reset 5 – #SolutionsWatch


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