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Af Lone Nørgaard.     

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B.A. #170: Fascisme skal bekæmpes med modig oplysning


Tuckers succé-comeback. Inte tystad, inte mutad

(Jordan Peterson har tilsyneladende allieret sig med globalisterne – minut 2:00)


Sat overfor:

Education is to get rid of the so-called bourgeois thought’


Jim Caviezel – A barrel of Adrenochrome and childrens body parts = $77,000 u.s


Sasha Latypova Blows The Lid On The mRNA Jabs And The Role The Military Had In Its Development


Tactical Nuclear Weapons: latest news from Russia


Whistleblower: Ukraine Is Harvesting Children in Adrenochrome Labs for VIP Elites


Great Reset and Social Credit System Documentary


The Man Behind WEF — What Does He Really Believe?

“Who is Klaus Schwab? Behind what seems to be an innocuous, boring mission for the greater good of humanity, is actually a plan to reduce the global population by roughly 7 billion people. Yes, you read that correctly. Environmental and diet restrictions are simply a means to an end. Klaus Schwab is a self-appointed leader of a global agenda that attempts to create a sort of “Utopia” that is not unlike the efforts of notable megalomaniacs in history such as Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini”

00:00 – Is Klaus Schwab A Supervillain?

00:53 – Ideas Have Consequences Show Opening

02:39 – Tome Special Offer

04:20 – Klaus Schwab – A Pivotal Moment Clip

04:47 – Klaus Schwab and the WEF Global Agenda

07:16 – Conspiracy Theories vs. Knowable Truth

16:19 – Reducing the Global Population

19:04 – Fyodor Dostoevsky Literature

21:12 – Fact Check News Hides The Truth

25:00 – Disgraced BBC News / Media Manipulation

27:54 – Dennis Meadows and “Sustainability”

30:16 – Hijacking Language For Different Meaning

33:41 – Klaus Schwab Is A Real Life Bond Villain

45:26 – How Larry Got Banned In China

45:49 – Utopia Always Leads to Genocide

47:08 – Social Darwinism and Fascist Ideologies

54:25 – The WEF is the HOA From Hell

56:30 – The Great Reset

59:49 – Klaus’ Engineer Thinking / Classic Literature

1:03:14 – Fact Checks Hide the Truth

1:04:43 – “Anything That Can Be Done Should Be Done”

1:05:53 – Dangers of Ai and Unregulated Technology

1:08:32 – Secular Apocalyptic Literature That Influenced Schwab

1:13:32 – Elitists Believe They Are Superior To Everybody Else


BlackRock Recruiter Who ‘Decides People’s Fate’ Says ‘War is Good for Business’ Undercover Footage

The O’Keefe Media Group has published a new story focusing on perhaps James O’Keefe’s most powerful investigative subject to date, BlackRock Inc.

In the footage, a BlackRock Recruiter named Serge Varlay describes how BlackRock is able to ”run the world” in about 7 minutes of riveting undercover footage. The footage was captured over the course of several meetings in New York by one of OMG News’ rockstar undercover journalists.

BlackRock Inc is the world’s largest asset management company that’s gained more notoriety as of late due to its large acquisitions. Varlay says it’s easier for BlackRock to do things when “people aren’t thinking about it” and the asset giant “doesn’t want to be anywhere on the radar. This story is a peek into why.

Visit for more

(intet direkte link)


Simon Elmer: The Politics of Environmental Fundamentalism



Ved ikke om dette er sandt, det er et ældre link, men hvis ja, så er det et lille tegn på at RFK er controlled,

Kombiner med:




Invasion clearly sponsored by USA/CCP

Migrant Base Camp.

Chinese spies/military stop in this camp to reach United States.

This is San Vicente Camp, in Darien Province, Panama, 03 June 2023.

Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, personally visited this camp and invested American taxpayer money into this camp. A camp used by Chinese infiltrators.

The US military, and Homeland Security intelligence, are aware of this. Yet our tax money continues to flow into this camp.

Most of the suspected Chinese intelligence/military coming through Darien pass through this camp on long march to United States. I spent months right here. Just beside and in this camp.


Mark Steyn and Christine Anderson: Rights have become privileges from the state



Den ufortalte ‘komplicerede’ historie om Ruslands forhold til Krim kan være gnisten, der antænder tredje verdenskrig: Vesten ignorerer denne historie til egen fare –

Fra teksten:

”I mellemtiden kom generalløjtnant Ben Hodges, en nyligt pensioneret firestjernet general, der kommanderede alle amerikanske tropper i Europa, ud for nylig og sagde, at målet for Ukraine i dets modoffensiv bør være at “generobre Krim” fra russerne.

Denne kommentar fra Hodges er blevet karakteriseret som en unødvendig provokation af flere andre militæranalytikere såsom oberst Douglas MacGregor (pensioneret), tidligere CIA-agent Larry Johnson og tidligere britisk diplomat Alastair Crooke.”

”Rusland betragter Krim som en del af Rusland, mens Vesten betragter det som en del af Ukraine, og dette er det ømtålelige spørgsmål, der kan bringe krigen til et nyt og farligt stadium.

I marts 2014 stemte befolkningen på Krim med overvældende flertal ved en national folkeafstemning for at slutte sig til Rusland.

Så indtil USA er villig til at acceptere, at der er to sider af den regionale fejde mellem folkene i Kiev og folkene i Moskva, vil de aldrig være i stand til at mægle en ærlig fred. Men det ser ud til, at Washington ikke er interesseret i fred, kun i at give Rusland dødsstødet. På grund af denne vrangforestillingsvej, som USA har sat sig selv og sine allierede på, ser det ud til, at denne ustabile del af verden igen vil trække verdens nationer ind i en ødelæggende storbrand.”


Digitalt ID-kort släppt i Sverige – Nya Dagbladet

”Redan i april rapporterade Nya Dagbladet om att det storbanksägda BankID snart skulle rulla ut ett digitalt id-kort som alternativ till de fysiska varianterna – och på måndagen släpptes det också för allmänheten.”

För att sedan använda det digitala ID-kortet i butiker och liknande måste användaren först identifiera sig med antingen säkerhetskod, fingeravtryck eller ansiktsigenkänning i samband med att ID-handlingen ska visas upp.

”Personal som kontrollerar ID-kortet kommer att skanna av dess QR-kod eller trycka på skärmen för att säkerställa att legitimationen är äkta

Idag lever vi i en digital värld, gränser suddas ut. Din identitet är med dig överallt. Därför lanserar vi digitalt ID-kort från BankID så att du kan identifiera dig tryggt och säkert i alla delar av livet, hävdar BankID i en presentationsvideo och påstår vidare att man ”säkrar” kundernas ”identitet och integritet”. (min fremhævelse)



Aftenposten avslører den enorme korrupsjonen i Ukraina –            

”Mens norske myndigheter med alle stortingspartienes velsignelse, inklusive SV og Rødt, sender titalls av milliarder kroner til Ukraina, stjeles det bokstavelig talt av lasset i stor stil i Ukraina. Tjuveriet, korrupsjonen og svindelen går helt til topps, inklusive til det organet som skulle ha slått ned på svindelen, nemlig landets Høyesterett.”

Sofaen var stappfull av dollar. Bildet viser at noe er alvorlig galt i Ukraina. (  


Dr. Peter McCullough: “All of the Covid-19 Vaccines ARE NOT Safe For Human Use”. “They Should All Be Removed From the Market Due to Excess Mortality”.–dr.-peter-mccullough-all-of-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-not-safe-for-human-u.html


“A Global Digital Compact” – UN promoting censorship, social credit & much more


Rasmus Paludan på Bornholm


“The Hidden Healthcare Crisis SOS”

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