Af Lone Nørgaard.
Vi har samlet en ny pose blandede bolsjer. Som vi altid skriver: Læs, lyt og døm selv!
Help Spread The Word (2)
I have done a number of interviews to raise awareness about the secret WHO negotiations for the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. Please share these videos far and wide!
Putin er en falsk fjende ‒ og en falsk frelser
B.A. #100: USA, ikke Rusland, er Danmarks fjende
Sådan kan Israel bestemme over USA
The Final Report of the International Health Regulations Review Committee
Dr. ‘Naomi Wolf’ “Dangers ‘MRNA’ Vaccines Pose To Women’s Reproductive Health”
Richard Vobes fra England about C40 cities…
Former NATO Commander General Wesley Clark’s ties to Hunter Biden
Fødevaremangel og store flygtningestrømme
Katie Hopkins: The truth about GB News — I have been keeping this to myself…until now.
Incident autoimmune diseases in association with a SARS-CoV-2 infection: A matched cohort study
Conclusions SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with an increased risk of developing new-onset autoimmune diseases after the acute phase of infection.
What Is A Smart City Never Mind A 15 Minute Smart City & Do You Want to Live In One ?
1) Richard Stengel is the founder of the State Department’s Global Engagement Center (GEC). He describes his job as “chief propagandist.” “I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, they have to do it to their own population, & I don’t think it’s that awful.”
EXPOSED: Globalists want everyone eating crickets because their exoskeletons contain CHITIN that parasites and pathogens use for protection when infecting humans and animals
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
Roger Waters addresses the UNSC (at the invitation of Russia)
Fra Facebook om Pascal Najadi:
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”The arrest of New Zealand cross-dressing Prime Minister Jack Adern, criminal charges against Swiss President Alain Berset and Pfizer, mass arrests of Ukrainian government officials
“Rockefeller slave Secretary of State Antony Blinken was told not to bother coming to China on a begging mission.
“In Thailand, the collapse into a coma of the triple-vaxxed Crown Princess has set that country on the warpath. Professor Sucharit Bhakdi says “Safety pharmacological studies were never performed… Pfizer BioNTech is going to have to pay back those billions to Thailand.”
Pfizer COVID/Vaxx Campaign is a Fraud: Criminal Charges against President of Switzerland
Alexandra Latypova – PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES 21-22. Jan 2023 Stockholm
COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence for an Intent to Harm
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Pfizers administrerende direktør Albert Bourla er afhængig af “sikkerhedstaktik” for at undgå spørgsmål fra Project Veritas