Af Lone Nørgaard.
Her følger en række links med analyser, der kaster lys over, hvad der egentligt foregår i verden. Fremfor de fortællinger folk fodres med i de statskontrollerede medier. Det er en hård nyser – næsten ikke til at holde ud at se ned i afgrunden, men sådan tegner verden sig altså anno 2022, styret af ’the usual suspects’: Mr. Global / the global banksters / stinkende rige psykopater.
Overordnet tema: Rusland-Ukraine.
Først en artikel af Scott Ritter:
SCOTT RITTER: Merkel Reveals West’s Duplicity (
”Ved nærmere ettertanke tok ikke Merkel feil da hun omtalte München 1938 som en forløper til situasjonen i Ukraina i dag. Den eneste forskjellen er at dette ikke var et tilfelle av edle tyskere som forsøkte å holde tilbake de brutale russerne, men heller bedragerske tyskere (og andre vestlige) som forsøkte å lure godtroende russere.
Dette vil ikke ende godt for verken Tyskland, Ukraina eller noen av dem som gjemte seg i diplomatiets kappe, mens de skjulte sverdet de holdt bak ryggen.”
En lidt ældre artikel af Joe Lauria fra d. 27. maj:
Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War (
“The Invasion Was Necessary
The United States could have easily prevented Russia’s military action. It could have stopped Russia’s intervention in Ukraine’s civil war from happening by doing three things: forcing implementation of the 8-year-old Minsk peace accords, dissolving extreme right Ukrainian militias and engaging Russia in serious negotiations about a new security architecture in Europe.
But it didn’t.”!
“Russian exports of wheat and fertilizer have been banned, driving up the price of food in the West. Biden admitted as much on Thursday:
“With regard to food shortage … it’s going to be real. The price of these sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well. And — because both Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat, for example — just to give you one example.”
Målet er klart: “kvæle Ruslands økonomi”, som den franske udenrigsminister Jean-Yves Le Drian udtrykte det, selv om det skader Vesten.”
Borrell: EU:s militära lager är tömda – SwebbTV
”De sofistikerade amerikanska vapensystem Kiev börjat använda för attacker på ryskt territorium är enligt uppgifter drönaren Grey Eagle, med räckvidden på knappt 400 km, och artillerisystemen HIMARS och ATACMS, båda med en räckvidd på upp till 300 km.” … ”Vem i den amerikanska adminstrationen godkände attackerna mot det ryska hjärtlandet?”
U.S. gives Ukraine OK to drone strike Russia – YouTube
Russia Targets Kyiv with More Drones – Scott Ritter – YouTube
Col Richard Black: Will NATO Provoke World War III With Russia? – YouTube
“Sleepwalkers in America and Europe should wake up. Did you know that “first use against everybody” is the U.S. policy? Do you support that? Do you know that the world has suddenly become more a much more dangerous place than ten days ago.
Join those who say no to war, those who say there is another path, that there are principles of reason and goodness that are more powerful than the hubris of failed empires. The road to peace must be paved “with malice toward none; with charity for all.” What principles must inform the negotiation process among the furiously raging nations? The Saturday symposium, open to all, is intended to discuss “where we go from here.””
Lack of Trust a Sign of the Descent into a Dystopian Future – YouTube