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Af Lone Nørgaard.

Længe leve gamle, hvide mænd! En af dem er G. Edward Griffin, forfatter til bl.a. den vigtige bog ”The Creature from Jekyll Island”.

NewSpeek har tidligere omtalt ham her, og så optræder han i Mikki Willis’ nye film

The Great Awakening Global Premiere Livestream – The HighWire   

Yuri Bezemenow
Det var også Griffin, der lavede det kendte interview med Yuri Bezemenow:

Yuri Bezmenov (Full Interview) with G. Edward Griffin

“In 1984, G. Edward Griffin interviewed former KGB Yuri Bezmenov. Titled ‘Soviet Subversion of the Free World Press’. In the interview, Bezmenov explained the methods used by the Soviet Union KGB for the gradual subversion of the political system of the United States.”

Nok to interviews med Griffin:

G. Edward Griffin: The world is now in the hands of the banking institutions – The Expose (

“Verden er nu i bankinstitutionernes hænder,” siger G. Edward Griffin, forfatter til The Creature from Jekyll Island og grundlægger af Red Pill University. Han siger, at store banker er blevet så magtfulde, at de nu “regulerer regeringerne.”

Under et interview i sidste måned [d. 22.5.2023] konkluderede han, at investorer i sidste ende vil miste deres valgfrihed på markedet, fordi vi bevæger os mod et kontantløst samfund. Det nye system, der er planlagt, kan sammenlignes med et militært system, hvor fornødenheder leveres, ikke ejes, og tildeles i henhold til overholdelse af systemet og rang.”  (PC-oversættelse)


Banking Crisis Not Accidental, Planned | G. Edward Griffin             

“G. Edward Griffin exposes the truth behind the banking crisis and reveals the hidden agenda of those who orchestrated it.

With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he sheds light on how the banking system operates, how money is created out of thin air, and how the Federal Reserve controls the economy.

He also reveals the shocking truth about the planned banking crisis, how it was intentionally created by those in power, and why they did it.

Don’t miss this insightful interview as G. Edward Griffin takes you on a journey through the complex world of banking and finance.”


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