Af Lone Nørgaard.
Her følger en række links, der forhåbentlig kan kaste lidt mere lys over Ukraine-konflikten – eller gøre forvirret på et højere niveau?
Én ting er sikker for mig: NATOs generalsekretær Jens Stoltenberg er en skidt knægt og Ursula von der Leyen en skidt tøs.
Time to Place Principle Over Party!
“A vigorous discussion took place on Sunday, sponsored by 2024 U.S. Senate candidate Diane Sare, which took up the question as to whether diplomacy is possible when one side admitted to lying about their commitment to the previous negotiation — the Minsk Accord — to end the civil war in Ukraine. It is necessary to break out from under the axioms of a Unipolar World, to move to a higher level, to avoid the Hell of a world war, which threatens to go nuclear”.
“The LaRouche movement is engaged in a campaign to mobilize populations worldwide to embrace the only perspective which can bring peace between sovereign nations: a commitment to a policy of economic cooperation for mutual benefit among sovereign nations.
A draft for this was prepared by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (see link below). Without this, the “proxy war” in Ukraine will become a permanent war — if not a nuclear war — with other theaters, especially in the Pacific, headed in the same direction.”
Stoltenberg varnar för ”alternativ världsordning” – Ryssland och Kina stärker sitt samarbete
“Det är fullt krig i Europa” – Jens Stoltenberg generalsekreterare NATO
Natos generalsekreterare Jens Stoltenberg om omvärldsläget och processen med Sveriges och Finlands Natoansökan på Folk och Försvars Rikskonferens 2023.
NATO Secretary General w/the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen
Press statement by the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg together with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen ahead of the meeting at the College of European Commissioners.
“So we have agreed to create a NATO-EU taskforce on resilience and critical infrastructure. We want to look together at how to make our critical infrastructure, technology and supply chains more resilient to potential threats, and to take action to mitigate potential vulnerabilities. This will be an important step in making our societies stronger and safer.”
Amerikanska militärbaser i Sverige kan snart bli verklighet – Nya Dagbladet
Regeringens plan: Hoppa in i kriget – oavsett Nato-medlemskap – SwebbTV