Af Lone Nørgaard.
Overskriften har David Icke som afsender. Lyt til samtalen (der vel snarere må betegnes som en enetale) med Rose her:
Rose/Icke X: The Reveal – Digital Freedom Platform
Videoen er 3½ time lang, men tag den i bidder. Den er vigtig og såre interessant.
Whitney Webb, et velkendt navn på NewSpeek, er under angreb:
“The Times is attempting to smear Whitney Webb as “anti-semitic” after discussing her research on Neil Oliver’s podcast.
What’s ironic is that conflating Webb’s research on Leslie Wexner and other organised crime-linked figures like the Bronfmans with “all Jews” as The Times has done in its hit piece on Webb and Oliver, is the real anti-semitism.”
Pavel Durov, grundlæggeren af Telegram, er som bekendt blevet arresteret og også under hårdt angreb. Ikke bare i form af den sædvanlige defamering og udskamning. Det er langt værre: Han kan tilsyneladende se frem til 20 år i fængsel.
Founder of Telegram arrested, face 20 years in prison (substack.com)
Pavel Durov, sjefen for Telegram, arrestert på flyplass i Paris – steigan.no
Pavel Durov Arrested By France To Kill Telegram | Armstrong Economics
“Europe is becoming highly dangerous to even visit. With the new mandatory visa coming on January 1st, you will no doubt be scrutinized for your political beliefs before you are granted a visit to view Europe.
Governments are scared to death of the truth and will do whatever it takes these days to censor us and shut down every avenue of free speech.
It has mainstream media in its pocket. Mainstream Journalism has become the arch-enemy of our freedom.
When will they wake the hell up and look at what is taking place? Is this the world they want to live in or allow for their children?”