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Af Lone Nørgaard. 

Jeg er ofte ved at vælte bagover af informationsmængden. Det er svært at sortere, fordi alt (klima-alarmisme, migration, islamisering, Ukraine, corona-bedrag mv.) har vist sig at hænge sammen, at være sammenfiltrede temaer – altså når man graver et spadestik dybere og ’connect the dots’. 

Men her kommer en række links, der stiller skarpt på klima-agendaen. 

Europæisk energikrise og Agenda 2030 

European Energy Crisis and Agenda 2030  

Fra introen: 

“The Western political elites would like people to believe that the European energy crisis was caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions that followed. Yet this is not the case.

In this interview with The New American, the British investigative journalist Ehden Biber provides a historical perspective on how Europe embraced the faulty climate-change agenda to alter its energy production. 

The transformation of the European energy market, combined with the shift from long-term to short-term gas trading contracts, has had a devastating impact on many economic industries, such as food production.”

People need to speak up and rise up against the globalist tyrants to save their lives and freedoms, urged Mr. Biber.”  





Weather Warfare 

“He who controls the weather controls the world” – Lyndon B. Johnson, 1962 (TV klip)

“Like the hot and dry summer – in Europe and North America almost two months without a drop of rain and record temps – killing harvests, animals, food stocks, even people, those vulnerable to heat and the poor”….

“Of course, the scenario fits perfectly into the objectives of the Great Reset and of UN Agenda 2030. It fits the Big Picture – which we should never forget, when we look at single disaster events. All we have to do is connect the dots. “ 


Controlling Hurricane Ian & When Green Turns Brown 


When Green Turns Brown – And Nobody Notices    


“Plants live off carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the atmosphere. Without CO2, no plants. No oxygen. No life.

This little detail is conveniently ignored by the climate gnomes, by the Greens. It doesn’t fit into their agenda.”

“Ms. Baerbock and Mr. Habeck, plus their Chancellor, Scholz, are at least co-responsible for accepting Washington’s dictate of the Russian sanctions program leading to Europe’s suicide. Others like France’s Macron and the Netherland’s Mark Rutte and more of so-called European leaders, happily join the club”……

“They are not working for the benefit of the European people, of their fellow countrymen”……


Vejret som våben 

Climate Instability Worldwide: Does the US Military “Own the Weather”? “Weaponizing the Weather” as an Instrument of Modern Warfare

“The underlying procedure is as follows: The “climate agenda” (i.e global warming) consists in restricting fertilizer use with a view to “cutting nitrogen emissions” (e.g. in the Netherlands, Western Canada)  to the point where it is impossible for farms to continue operating.”

This in turn is conducive to triggering extensive food shortages as well as famine. 

There are too many coincidences and contradictions. The causes of extreme weather conditions must be addressed.”…..

Weather-modification, according to US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes”… 

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