Af Lone Nørgaard.
James Roguski er velkendt for NewSpeeks følgere, jf. her og her. I videoen
The W.H.O. Is Trying To Implement A Global Surveillance Treaty
forklarer han på under 20 minutter, hvad den såkaldte pandemitraktat handler om. Han adresserer også det digitale ID, som er en hjørnesten i hvad WHO ønsker at gøre med deres ubegrænsede og ukontrollerede magt.
Her følger lidt flere links fra Roguskis side:
“While it can have many, many meanings, a blank piece of white paper is a protest against censorship. “There was definitely nothing on paper, but we know what is on there.”
A small crack has emerged in the Great Wall of Secrecy. Many thanks to Greg R. of New Zealand for submitting a Freedom of Information request to obtain this information. It is much appreciated!
‘Jeg anbefaler, at professor Gostin træder tilbage øjeblikkeligt’
I highly recommend that Professor Gostin immediately and publicly resign from his position as a member of the International Health Regulations Review Committee. JUST DO IT. RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!
A friendly, open and urgent letter to Professor Lawrence Oglethorpe Gostin…