[Lone Nørgaard:
Jacob Nordangård har med jævne mellemrum figureret på NewSpeek. Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger om New World Order, bl.a. Rockefeller – Controlling the Game.
Nu er han aktuel med en artikel, der fortjener at få et selvstændigt opslag, fordi teksten i en maggiterning på 16 sider får indkredset GLAFIA’s brug af bl.a. FN og deres verdensmål til at få gennemført et teknokratisk verdensdiktatur. Under dække af at kun en verdensregering vil kunne styre fremtidige globale kriser. I parentes bemærket: De kriser, som GLAFIA selv udløser.
De færreste vil være klar over, at der kun er godt en måned til det store FN-topmøde (’Summit of the Future’) d. 22.-23. september, hvor planen er, at regeringsledere skal underskrive ’the Pact for the Future’, der vil dømme alle såkaldt almindelige mennesker til en tilværelse uden handle- og bevægelsesfrihed].
The ultimate goal of the Pact for the Future: A planetary technocracy to manage global crises on behalf of the global corporatocracy
A “scientific priesthood” will determine the limits of our actions and “protect” us from complex global shocks.
There are barely two months left until the big UN meeting Summit of the Future (September 22-23) where the “Pact for the Future” is to be signed by world leaders (heads of government and state). The pact, which essentially constitutes a blueprint for a global technocracy to manage global risks on behalf of the global corporatocracy, is now being finalised for completion by early August.
The preparatory work began in 2015 with the report Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance by The Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance.
The commission, which was chaired by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Nigerian UN diplomat Ibrahim Gambari, recommended that a World Conference on Global Institutions be held when the UN celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2020. The aim was to reform the UN system to make it better equipped to respond effectively on “new threats and opportunities”. At the same time, work began on developing “global governance innovations”.
The commission was supported by the Dutch institute The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Washington-based think tank Stimson Center.
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